

句子插入题,顾名思义,就是要你将题目中给定的句子放在段落里挖好的空里。那么思考下,如果要你出这么一道题,你会怎么出?很直观的做法是不是这样:找一段话,中间删掉一句。 那么问一句,删掉这句话会出现什么情况?是不是会有前后不连贯的问题出现。那么ETS何必要在题目中给出一句话呢?看哪里不连贯选出来就好啦,没必要关注题目中给的那句话是什么啊,有木有!难道ETS的出题有问题?答案很明显,ETS永远是对的!实际上呢,把某个句子去掉,未必会导致前后不连贯的问题出现~~ 举个例子说明:给三句话1 there is a room2 in the room ,there are 3boys.3 the children are studing in it.我们试着如果拿掉第二句话,1 3句还是通的吧~ 为什么呢?回归到我们的考点上:句子插入考的是句子之间的关系!不妨倒着想, 句子之间的关系考什么来建立呢??句子连接方式:1 生硬连接:依靠关联词2 自然连接:语意场我们来解释下什么是“语意场”这个概念:听说过电场,磁场吧~ 电场是电荷之间的关联吧,那么语意场就是语意元素之间的关联。语意场有两种表现形式:1重复 2 指代回头看我们上面给定的3个句子,12句的重复是room吧,23句的重复是boys。再看看13句,3句最后有in it, it指代room有木有!那么我们把相关元素用线连上,这条线就叫做“语意场线”!把2拿掉后,至少保证还有一条语意场线,那么它就是关联的。回归题目,做个类比,就能得到做题步骤:1 句子拆分,把句子拆成两个部分。怎么拆, 从什么位置分最合适?a 简单句,谓语动词或者状语(in the room)b 复杂句,从关联词2 概念提取: 前半句找一个,后半句找一个,可能是句子里有的,也可归纳出来的。3 概念匹配:和原来句子的每个点,前后匹配。哪个句子前面出现概念N1,后面出现N2,那么句子就填入。4 连贯性检查。a 逻辑b 语意(翻译)下面举个具体的例题说明:Immune System§ Among the most important systems in the human body is the immune system. When a virus or anythingthat is not a part of the normal body tissue enters the body it is immediatelyrecognized as foreign and the immune response system is activated. § After the immune system has successfully fought a first timeinfection, the body retains the ability to mount a fast secondary immuneresponse to the same type of infection if it happens again. §Because of the secondary response, people generally only sufferdiseases such as chicken pox once. §Glossary:“immune”: havingantibodies capable of reacting with a specific antigen.“chicken pox”:an acute contagious disease, primarily of children, that is caused by the vericella-zostervirus and characterized by skin eruptions, slight fever, and malaise.Question:Look at the fourSquare that indicate where the followingsentence could be added to the passage.Chicken pox affects mostchildren before they reach their 10th birthday.Where would thesentence best fit?Click ona square §to add the sentence to the passage.这是个复杂句,从关联词分:before前半句提取最核心概念N1 chicken pox, 后半句提取概念N2 10岁孩子然后在空格处找有木有出现这样的概念,发现直到第四个空前,才有chicken pox 。答案就选4.选完之后再连起来读一下,看下是否通顺。