

点击进入我的微博:我的轻博客:周末给好男儿买的积木到了,这回他可尽情地搭出他创造的各种建筑了。这不,看到这么多积木,连我也心里痒痒,他搭好后我说,让爸爸也来搭一座高楼吧。这可让他开心了,因为他知道我喜欢搭高楼,而这是他的软肋,所以他自然喜欢了。我心里其实也没谱,只是想搭的越高越好,把积木用完,没想到一开始速度太快,轰隆一声全倒了。不过我没有灰心,好男儿Vincent在边上给我当小助手,不时提醒我哪里要加固一下,功夫不夫有心人,一米多高的摩天大楼终于成功了!开心的不得了,还叫Cutelady过来看。整个周末,好男儿都不舍得拆,不时在欣赏一下呢呵呵。今年的雨水可真多,二月份已经下了20天的雨,其他时间太阳也是难得露一下脸就变成阴天了,浙江天气预报说未来一周还是阴雨天气,不知道这雨何时是个头啊。所以这个周末也没有出去玩,好男儿去学写毛笔字,上图书馆借书,陪他看人与自然,讲讲故事,我做做菜,三个人玩玩游戏,很快周末又结束了。南方的春天表面看比北方滋润多了,至少雨水多,空气也还好,不会像北方那样有沙尘暴。但是春季人体新陈代谢旺盛,容易出现急躁、上火等春燥反应,所以在享受春天带给我们美景的同时,不要忘了多吃一些滋润去火的时令蔬菜。(点击土图片或者标题就可以查看做法)1.这当中当然首推春笋,笋有“蔬中第一珍”的美誉,春笋味道清淡鲜嫩,民间也有“无笋不成席”之说。适当吃点春笋还是好的。油焖春笋2.春季的韭菜菜质柔嫩味香辛,也有很好的温中行气、散血解毒、保暖、健胃的功效.根据中医“四季侧重”的养生原则,春季补五脏应以补肝为先,而韭菜正是温补肝肾之物。韭菜能温补肝肾,温中行气、散血解毒、还有保暖、健胃的功效。出春时节的韭菜品质最佳,晚秋的次之,夏季的最差。 韭菜炒蛋3.鲜美的荠菜。“时绕麦田求野菜”这里的野菜就包括荠菜,荠菜遍布全世界,是一种人们喜爱的可食用野菜,初春采其嫩苗作野菜食用,清香可口。荠菜历来是药食同源的佳蔬,荠菜性味甘平,具有和脾、利水、止血、明目的功效。常吃荠菜可利肝气,能够名目,吃荠菜对脾气暴躁、血压增高的高血压患者有好处;有凉血止血的作用荠菜能唤起人的食欲,消化积食瘀滞。荠菜所含营养素平衡,并含丰富的维生素C和胡萝卜素,春吃荠菜有助于增强机体免疫功能,降低血压、健胃消食。荠菜豆腐羹 最好吃的荠菜煎饺4.春季食鲫鱼既鲜嫩又不肥腻,是一年当中吃鲫鱼的最好季节。鲫鱼营养价值高,蛋白质含量丰富且质量高,容易被人体消化吸收,鲫鱼是慢病患者良好的蛋白质来源;鲫鱼含有少量的脂肪,多由多不饱和脂肪酸组成,如EPA和DHA组成,是人体必需脂肪酸,具有重要的生理作用;鲫鱼含有丰富的微量元素,尤其钙、磷、钾、镁含量较高,鲫鱼配豆腐让补钙做的更好。鲜美的鲫鱼汤5.香椿.香椿发的嫩芽可做成各种菜肴,春季香椿新枝嫩叶口感最好,香椿不仅香味浓郁营养丰富,而且有较高的药用价值。中医认为:香椿味苦,性寒,有清热解毒、利湿、利尿、健胃理气的功效;香椿独特的味道,还有醒脾开胃、增加食欲的作用。 香椿头的绝版吃法6.马兰头。马兰头之所以被人们搬上餐桌,其因为营养价值丰富,除蛋白蛋、脂肪、碳水化合物以外,还含有较丰富的无机盐和维生素,其维生素A的含量超过番茄,维生素C的含量超过柑桔等水果。马兰头还有很多药用价值,其性凉味辛、无毒,具有清热解毒、凉血止血、利尿利湿、消食积、明目等功效。香干马兰头马兰头豆腐汤今天用两种最春天的材料继续给大家做最春天的菜。原料:荠菜春笋调料:色拉油盐香油做法:1.春笋剥壳后滚刀切成块;2.荠菜焯水后放入凉水里,滤干水分后切碎;3.热锅冷油放入春笋煸炒;4.放入荠菜快速翻炒几下;5.加盐,淋上香油即可出锅。注意事项:1.荠菜很吸油,所以做这道菜时可以适当多加点油;2.现在的春笋非常嫩,其实里面的草酸也是微量的,不一定每次都要焯水;3.这道菜时间短,只要大火翻炒几下就可以了,切不可长时间翻炒味道会大打折扣的。荠菜是好东西,在春天大人小孩适当多吃是不无裨益的。民间有有“阳春三月天,荠菜赛灵丹”一说。春笋味道清淡鲜嫩,营养丰富。含有充足的水分、丰富的植物蛋白以及钙、磷、铁等人体必需的营养成分和微量元素,特别是纤维素含量很高,常食有帮助消化、防止便秘的功能。这两种菜都是应时令蔬菜,放在一切所做的这道菜有着应时当令、制作简单、营养丰富、口味清香爽口的特点。学习英语:【健康生活】3种立即恢复体能的方法立即恢复体能的3种方法Feeling a little burnt out? Run down? Overwhelmed? It's time to putyourself first! Any one of these things works like magic to bringyou back home to yourself.感觉有点累过了?跑不下来吗?不堪重负?是时间把自己放到首位了!做下面三件事中的任何一个都会像魔术般让你找回你自己。DanceThere was an unhappy marriage. Thewoman, in her mid-60s, was feeling sad and low. One afternoon hergrandson, just 4 and unaware of her problems, had an uncontrollableurge to dance, which for him meant flapping his arms and churninghis legs in such a way as to appear as if he were hopping madlyaround on a bed of hot coals. 'Dance with me, Grandma!' he said,hopping closer to her. She danced. And remembereddelight.跳舞曾经有一个不幸的婚姻。这个女人,60多岁,她感到悲伤和低落。一天下午,她的孙子,才4岁并不知道她的困惑,他按捺不住内心激动想跳舞去,这对他意味着拍打着两支胳膊并搅动着双腿,就像在热炭上疯狂的跳跃。“与我共舞,奶奶!”他说,跳跃接近她。她跳起舞来。于是记忆了喜悦。Fill Your Eyes withGreenIt's the color many jewelers useas a backdrop when they're working on a delicate piece; green issaid to be the easiest color for the eye to see. It's also thoughtto balance emotions and bring on a feeling of calm. Have you everbeen mesmerized by the dense green of a palm as it swayed in atropical breeze?让你的眼睛充满绿色许多珠宝商总是使用绿色去做精美首饰的背景装饰,绿色据说是人眼能看到最简单的颜色。人们认为它能平衡情绪,并带来一种平静的感觉。你曾经被那在一个热带的微风中摇摆的茂密绿色棕榈树迷住过吗?BreatheShe used to get panic attacks.Then she learned how to 'square breathe.' Picture a square; choosea corner. Count to four as you slowly inhale. Count to four as youexhale. Reach the next corner on the inhale, leave it on theexhale. Four corners. Four deep breaths. Her heartbeat, which wouldsuddenly gallop away, slowed to a comfortable trot. (Deep, slowbreaths increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the body, whichreduces the panic response.)呼吸她以前经常会恐慌。然后,她学会了如何“广场呼吸”。想象一个广场;选择一个角落。你慢慢吸气时数到四。当你呼气时再数到四。达到下一角落再吸气,然后呼气离开。四个角落。四个深呼吸。她的心跳会放缓像舒适的小跑了一般。 (深而慢的呼吸能增加体内的二氧化碳量,从而降低了恐慌反应。)Cant Break Her FallMat KearneyShe says today is gonna be the last oneI know there's never gonna be an easy way outShe's rolling round the town with a fast gunAnd I know I can't be there to catch her when she fallsWell half way down is half way out of hereWe're either halfway drowned or half way 'round the pierWhen you're that far goneI walked the steps to her apartment with the window by theshoreAnd saw her curled on the tile through a crack in the doorI've been searching for the words I don't know how to sayI've been searching for the words to make it go awayI spent all of last night and the night before thatWith my feet in the sand and the wind on my backWatching a ship sail out to a blue wide seaThere must be more than this with a kiss we can't seeWell half way down is half way out of hereWe're eighter half way drowned or half way round the pierI can't break her, I can't break her fallShe's lying in the back room, crying on the bathroom floorSinging I can't take it, I can't take any moreJust one reason, one to believe inThat's not that far goneNot that far goneI held the back of her head and laid her in the bedAnd watched the sheets raise and fall to the rhythm of herbreathTurn the lock on the handle and slipped down the stairsTo the cover of the night with diamonds in the airI'll say a prayer in my breath and take a left at the waterTo the rhythm of my feet a sister and a daughterTo the rhythm of the sea with the breeze in the autumnAs it blows through the trees my hands into the waterI can't break her, I can't break her fallShe's lying in the back room, crying on the bathroom floorAnd I can't take it, I can't take anymoreShe says today is gonna be the last timeAnd I know there's never gonna be an easy way out