

不定冠词a/an 用于单数可数名词前a woman 一个女人; an apple 一个苹果;a girl 一个女孩;a和an的区分a用于辅音音素前a book [bʊk] 一本书a coat [kəʊt] 一件外套a useful ['ju:sful] pen一只有用的笔 (虽然useful以元音字母u开头,但发音是以辅音音素/j/开头,所以用a)a horse [hɔːs] 一匹马an用于元音音素前an apple ['æp(ə)l] 一个苹果an egg [eg] 一只鸡蛋an hour ['aʊə] 一小时an AB[eɪ] trust AB信托 (an适用于采用缩略字母的情况)an 8-day [eɪt] lesson 8天的课程 (an适用于采用数字的情况)an ugly ['ʌglɪ] doll一个丑陋的娃娃a和an的用法表示“一个、一位”等,泛指I want to buy a Samsung phone. 我想买部三星手机。An elephant is sleeping in the zoo. 有头大象在动物园睡觉。A singer showed up last night. 昨晚来了位歌手。A man is looking at you. 有个男的在看你。A woman asked for my help when I was walking along the river. 当我沿着河边走的时候,有位女士寻求我的帮助。An old man shouted at us when we were driving past him. 有个男的在我们开车经过他的时候向我们大喊。a/an与数词one的比较:a/an虽然表示“一个”,但倾向泛指,不太强调数目;而one则强调数目是“一”,而非其他数目A singer showed up last night. 昨晚来了位歌手。(泛指,不指明是哪个歌手)One singer showed up last night. 昨晚来了一位歌手。(强调歌手只来了一位,不是两位或三位等。)表示某个人或物可用于提及只知其名不知其人的情况:A Miss Porter was on the phone looking for you. 有个波特小姐打电话找你。A Mr. Rogers asked you to meet him in the café downstairs. 有位罗杰斯先生叫你到楼下咖啡厅见他。Do you know a John Edwards in our school? He was said to be quite a legend. 你认识我们学校的一个叫约翰爱德华兹的人吗?据说,他是个传奇人物。表示任何一个,概括某类人或物A girl must know her manners. 女孩子要懂礼貌。(指任何一个女孩子)A man should be willing to take responsibilities. 男人应当勇于承担责任。(指任何一个男人)A teacher must be strict with his students. 老师必须严格要求学生。A singer sings songs. 歌手是唱歌的。A dog is man’s best friend. 狗是人类最好的朋友。An egg is oval. 鸡蛋是椭圆形的。An honest man doesn’t lie. 诚实的人不说谎。表示同样的Birds of a (=the same)feather flock together. 物以类聚。They are of a kind. 他们是同类人。My cousin and I are of an age. 我的堂姐和我同年。These pencils are of a length. 这些铅笔同样长。We must make sure our services are of a high standard. 我们必须保证我们的服务项目都达到同个高标准。表示每一个 (each, per)I work five days a week. 我每周工作五天。We went home twice a year. 我们每年回家两次。You must take the medicine three times a day. 你必须每天吃三次药。It flies at 20 kilometers an hour. 它以每小时20公里的速度飞行。用于专有名词前,可表示“…那样的”I want to become a Michael Jackson. 我想成为迈克尔杰克逊那样的人。He has the wisdom of a Confucius. 他有孔子那样的智慧。Carlos wants to become a Steve Jobs. 卡洛斯想要成为像斯蒂夫乔布斯那样用于固定搭配中,表示数量或程度a few people 一些人 a little water 一点水;move a bit closer 靠近点 many a time 许多次