
windows 技巧:[5]ie还原默认32位






复制以下代码:'********************************************************************'*'*  Name:            CSI_Reset_IE_32-bit_Shortcuts.vbs'*  Author:          Darwin Sanoy'*  Updates:         http://csi-windows.com/toolkit'*  Bug Reports &'   Enhancement Req: http://csi-windows.com/contactus'*'*  COPYRIGHT NOTICE:  This script is Copyrighted by Synaptic Fireworks, LLC'*'*  Built/Tested On: Windows 7 x64'*'*  Main Function:'*     Sometimes a well meaning individual replaces the standard 32-bit IE'*     shortcuts with 64-bit IE shortcuts, which creates a lot of problems.'*     This script sets desktop and start menu shortcuts back to 32-bit'*     and deletes the default 64-bit IE shortcut.'*     If the default shortcuts are completely missing, they will be recreated.'*  Syntax:'*     CSI_Reset_IE_32-bit_Shortcuts.vbs'*'*     DEL_DEFAULT_IE64_SHORTCUT = True - will delete the default 64-bit shortcut'*               so that users do not use it or even know it is available.'*     REPIN_IE = True - will re-do the pinning of the shortcut'*  Limitations:'*     IE 32-bit is identified as the default for many things in the registry'*     (e.g. opening .HTM files) This script does not handle any re-configuration '*     of IE defaults in the registry.    Const SCRIPTVERSION = 2.0'*'*  Revision History:'*     07/31/12 - 2.0 - Can handles all users and Default user'*                    - corrected RE-PIN routine to work off startmenu shortcut'*                    - ensure proper bitness IE is always used'*                    - do nothing on 32-bit Windows OS'*     03/02/12 - 1.1 - inital version (djs)'*'*******************************************************************'Customize these constants to control how the script behavesConst DO_ALL_USERS_AND_DEFAULT_USER = True 'If false - do only current userConst DEL_DEFAULT_IE64_SHORTCUT = True 'delete the default IE 64bit shortcutConst REPIN_IE = True 'unpin and repin in case someone pinned the 64-bit lnkConst IE_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT = True 'create the Desktop shortcut (existing one will always be deleted)bDebugMessagesOn = FalseConst CSIDL_STARTMENU = &H0b Const CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = &H10 Const CSIDL_PROGRAMS = &H02 Const CSIDL_PROGRAMFILESX86 = &H2Aset oFSO = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')Set Shell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')Set objShlApp = CreateObject('Shell.Application')' If accidentally run on 32-bit Windows, silently quitIf GetObject('winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Processor='cpu0'').AddressWidth = 32 Then wsh.quitWinVer = Shell.RegRead('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion')'This fix is only valid for Vista and Windows 7.  'Windows 8 always launches a 64-bit instance for the UI, but launches 32-bit 'processes to host individual websites - so the bitness of IE no longer relies'on which EXE or shortcut is executedIf NOT (WinVer > 5 AND WinVer < 6.2) Then wsh.quitDesktopPath = objShlApp.NameSpace(CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY).Self.PathDebugMessage 'Desktop Path: ' & DesktopPathStartmenuPath = objShlApp.NameSpace(CSIDL_PROGRAMS).Self.PathDebugMessage 'Start Menu Path: ' & StartmenuPathProgramFilesX86 = objShlApp.NameSpace(CSIDL_PROGRAMFILESX86).Self.PathDebugMessage 'ProgramFilesX86 Path: ' & ProgramFilesX86If DO_ALL_USERS_AND_DEFAULT_USER Then  'Do all users and the Default User  'Must have admin to access shortcuts in other profiles  If NOT CSI_IsAdmin() Then     wsh.echo 'Must run with admin rights to process all users, aborting...'    wsh.quit  End If  Const WMI_HKCR = &H80000000  Const WMI_HKCU = &H80000001  Const WMI_HKLM = &H80000002  Const WMI_HKU = &H80000003  Set oWMI = GetObject('winmgmts:\\.\root\default')  set oReg = oWMI.Get('StdRegProv')  oReg.GetExpandedStringValue WMI_HKLM,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList','ProfilesDirectory',ProfilePath  oReg.GetExpandedStringValue WMI_HKLM,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList','Default',DefaultProfileFolder  aRegSIDS = GetRegularUserSIDs   UserMessage 'Number of Regular User SIDs: ' & ubound(aRegSIDS) + 1  UserMessage 'List of Regular User SIDs: ' & join(aRegSIDS,',')  'Update each user who has logged in at least once  For Each rSID in aRegSIDs    CurrentProfilePath = GetUserIDorSIDInfo(rSID,'ProfileFolder')    CurrentDesktopPath = CurrentProfilePath & '\Desktop'    CurrentStartmenuPath = CurrentProfilePath & '\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs'    UserMessage GetUserIDorSIDInfo(rSID,'UserID') & ' (' & rSID & ') folders:'     UserMessage 'Profile: ' & CurrentProfilePath    UserMessage 'Desktop: ' & CurrentDesktopPath    UserMessage 'Start Menu: ' & CurrentStartmenuPath    UnpinIE(CurrentStartmenuPath)    RebuildStartmenuShortcut(CurrentStartmenuPath)    RebuildDesktopShortcut(CurrentDesktopPath)    if DEL_DEFAULT_IE64_SHORTCUT then Remove64bitIEShortcut(CurrentStartmenuPath)    If REPIN_IE Then RePinIE(CurrentStartmenuPath)  Next  'Update default profile  CurrentDesktopPath = DefaultProfileFolder & '\Desktop'  CurrentStartmenuPath = DefaultProfileFolder & '\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs'  UserMessage 'Profile: ' & DefaultProfileFolder  UserMessage 'Desktop: ' & CurrentDesktopPath  UserMessage 'Start Menu: ' & CurrentStartmenuPath  UnpinIE(CurrentStartmenuPath)  RebuildStartmenuShortcut(CurrentStartmenuPath)  RebuildDesktopShortcut(CurrentDesktopPath)  if DEL_DEFAULT_IE64_SHORTCUT then Remove64bitIEShortcut(CurrentStartmenuPath)  If REPIN_IE Then RePinIE(CurrentStartmenuPath)Else  'Do Just the Current User  UnpinIE(StartmenuPath)  RebuildStartmenuShortcut(StartmenuPath)  RebuildDesktopShortcut(DesktopPath)  if DEL_DEFAULT_IE64_SHORTCUT then Remove64bitIEShortcut(StartmenuPath)  If REPIN_IE Then RePinIE(StartmenuPath)End IfFunction UnpinIE (UnPinPath)  'UnPin IE  If oFSO.FileExists(UnPinPath & '\Internet Explorer.lnk') Then    On Error Resume Next    Set objFolder = objShlApp.Namespace(UnPinPath)    Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName('Internet Explorer.lnk')     Set colVerbs = objFolderItem.Verbs     For Each objVerb in colVerbs         If Replace(objVerb.name, '&', '') = 'Unpin from Taskbar' Then           objVerb.DoIt         End If    Next    On Error Goto 0  End IfEnd FunctionFunction RebuildStartmenuShortcut(StartmenuSCPath)  'Delete Startmenu Shortcut  if oFSO.FileExists(StartmenuSCPath & '\Internet Explorer.lnk') Then oFSO.DeleteFile(StartmenuSCPath & '\Internet Explorer.lnk')  Set link = Shell.CreateShortcut(StartmenuSCPath & '\Internet Explorer.lnk')  link.Description = 'Internet Explorer'  link.TargetPath = ProgramFilesX86 & '\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe'  link.WindowStyle = 3  link.WorkingDirectory = '%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%'  link.SaveEnd FunctionFunction RebuildDesktopShortcut(DesktopSCPath)  'Delete Desktop Shortcut  if oFSO.FileExists(DesktopSCPath & '\Internet Explorer.lnk') Then oFSO.DeleteFile(DesktopSCPath & '\Internet Explorer.lnk')  'Create 32-bit Desktop Shortcut if desired  If IE_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT Then    Set link = Shell.CreateShortcut(DesktopSCPath & '\Internet Explorer.lnk')    link.Description = 'Internet Explorer'    link.TargetPath = ProgramFilesX86 & '\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe'    link.WindowStyle = 3    link.WorkingDirectory = '%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%'    link.Save  End IfEnd FunctionFunction Remove64bitIEShortcut(IE64bitSCPath)  'Delete 64-bit Shortcut in Start Menu  If oFSO.FileExists(IE64bitSCPath & '\Internet Explorer (64-bit).lnk') Then oFSO.DeleteFile(IE64bitSCPath & '\Internet Explorer (64-bit).lnk')End FunctionFunction RePinIE(RePinPath)  'Pin IE to Taskbar  If oFSO.FileExists(RePinPath & '\Internet Explorer.lnk') Then    'On Error Resume Next    Set objFolder = objShlApp.Namespace(RePinPath)     Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName('Internet Explorer.lnk')     Set colVerbs = objFolderItem.Verbs     For Each objVerb in colVerbs         If Replace(objVerb.name, '&', '') = 'Pin to Taskbar' Then           objVerb.DoIt         End If    Next    On Error Goto 0  End IfEnd FunctionFunction GetRegularUserSIDs ()  'althought WMI methods exist for this type of retrieval, using this regkey  ' guarantees: *) These are not groups, *) They have logged in once and   ' created an NTUSER.DAT (can't have UAC Virt if user id never logged in)  set oFSO = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')  oReg.EnumKey WMI_HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList', arrSIDList    For Each SID In arrSIDList    DebugMessage 'Checking: ' & SID    oReg.GetExpandedStringValue WMI_HKLM,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\' & SID,'ProfileImagePath',ProfilePath    sidparts = split(SID,'-')    if ubound(sidparts) = 7 Then      If sidparts(3) = '21' and Cint(left(sidparts(7),4)) >= 1000 Then        FixedSID = CleanExtension(SID)        DebugMessage '  =>Is a REGULAR User SID'        DebugMessage 'Checking for: ' & ProfilePath & '\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Usrclass.dat'        If oFSO.FileExists(ProfilePath & '\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Usrclass.dat') Then          DebugMessage '  =>Adding to List because SID has a Usrclass.DAT'          GetRegularUserSIDS = GetRegularUserSIDS & FixedSID & ','        End If      Else        DebugMessage '  =>Not regular user sid (incorrect format)'        'DebugMessage 'Hive Loaded?: ' & IsUserRegHiveLoaded(FixedSID)         'DebugMessage 'Virtualized Key List: ' & GetUACVirtRegKeys(SID,'')                End If    Else      DebugMessage '  =>Not regular user sid (incorrect format)'    End If  Next  DebugMessage 'Untrimmed Result: ' & GetRegularUserSIDS  If Right(GetRegularUserSIDS,1) = ',' Then GetRegularUserSIDS = Left(GetRegularUserSIDS,Len(GetRegularUserSIDS)-1)   GetRegularUserSIDS = split(GetRegularUserSIDS,',')End FunctionFunction GetUserIDorSIDInfo (UserIDorSID,LookupType)  'Version 1.1  ' Depends on CleanExtension()  oReg.EnumKey WMI_HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList', arrSIDList    For Each SID In arrSIDList     oReg.GetExpandedStringValue WMI_HKLM,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\' & SID,'ProfileImagePath',ProfilePath     if (instr(1,ucase(SID),ucase(UserIDorSID),1) > 0) OR (instr(1,ucase(ProfilePath),ucase(UserIDorSID),1) > 0) Then        Select Case LookupType         Case 'SID'           GetUserIDorSIDInfo = CleanExtension(SID)           Exit Function         Case 'ProfileFolder'              GetUserIDorSIDInfo = ProfilePath           Exit Function          Case 'UserID'                                                                               GetUserIDorSIDInfo = CleanExtension(mid(ProfilePath,instrrev(ProfilePath,'\',-1,1)+1))                    Exit Function          Case Else           GetUserIDorSIDInfo = 'Invalid LookUpType requested'           Exit Function         End Select     Else         GetUserIDorSIDInfo = 'No match found'     End If  Next   Debugmessage GetUserIDorSIDInfoEnd FunctionFunction CleanExtension (SIDtoFix)  'take precautions against SID registry keys ending in .bak  stripsid = split(SIDtoFix,'.')  CleanExtension = stripsid(0)End FunctionFunction CSI_IsAdmin()  'Version 1.31  'http://csi-windows.com/toolkit/csi-isadmin  CSI_IsAdmin = False  On Error Resume Next  key = CreateObject('WScript.Shell').RegRead('HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\Environment\TEMP')  If err.number = 0 Then CSI_IsAdmin = TrueEnd Function'**********************************************''logging and debugging functionsFunction WinEventLog(Message,severity)  MSGPREFIX = ' '  Select Case Severity    Case EVT_INFORMATION  MSGPREFIX = MSGPREFIX & 'INFO: '    Case EVT_WARNING      MSGPREFIX = MSGPREFIX & 'WARNING: '    Case EVT_ERROR        MSGPREFIX = MSGPREFIX & 'ERROR: '  End Select  If bWinEventLogOn Then oShell.LogEvent severity, MSGPREFIX & Message  If bDebugMessagesOn Then DebugMessage '(event log msgs): ' & MSGPREFIX & MessageEnd FunctionFunction DebugMessage (DbgMsg)  MSGPREFIX = 'DEBUG MSG: '  If bDebugMessagesOn Then wsh.echo MSGPREFIX & DbgMsgEnd FunctionFunction UserMessage (UsrMsg)  wsh.echo UsrMsgEnd Function'End logging and debugging functions'**********************************************'








适用于windows 7 及以上系统,包括Vista。
