
关于火柴人的生活Stick RPG complete小游戏。

游戏中文名:火柴人的生活 游戏英文名:Stick RPG或Stick RPG Complete 另类中文名:火柴人角色扮演游戏、火柴人模拟养成游戏。 英文介绍:Stick RPG Complete, also simply called 'Stick RPG', is the first game in the Stick RPG series. The gameplay centers around the activity of the main characterthroughout the 2 Dimensional World, whose goals are loosely based around attaining wealth, power, and high stats, and eventually the position of President or Dictator. The game can be completed in sequences of difficulty that revolve around periods of 15 days, 40 days, 100 days, and an unlimited amount of time. 翻译过的中文介绍:火柴人的生活,也就是所谓的“火柴人角色游戏”是第一种火柴人生活的游戏系列。游戏中活动的场景主要以2D火柴人生活的模拟世界。其游戏目标是将火柴人实现财富,权利,力量以及最终职位的独裁者。游戏可完成以下序列的困难分为15天,40天和100天,以及无时间限制等。

 只需要任意一个火柴人的生活flash小游戏,注意游戏英文名为Stick RPG Complete,当然该游戏可以通过网页下载。


Where the player first assumes the role of the main character in Stick RPG Complete 玩家可通过扮演主要人物完成火柴人生活小游戏。


As a result of the overwhelming amont of play that the first game recieved, Xgen Studios has released the game once again through their website on March 28, 2005, renaming the game 'Stick RPG Complete'. The renaming of the game arose due to the installment of several new features in the game, such as the ability to run for president and rule the 2 Dimensional World. The game was later released on Newgrounds as well on April 13, 2005. 由于绝大多数条件,第一次运作这款游戏,从2005年3月28日Xgen工作室再次透过他们的网站发布了由原来旧版游戏名 “Stick RPG火柴人生活”更名为“Stick RPG Complete火柴人的生活”重新命名的新版游戏,火柴人的生活增加了几个新的特点。虽说是火柴人生活2D模拟世界。最后该游戏在2005年4月13日正式发行。


During development of Stick RPG Complete after Stick RPG's initial release, the XGen Studios team had also been working on Stick RPG 2, though a hiatus on the game's production arose, and it was not completed until late 2010. 在开发游戏“火柴人的生活”完成过程后继续完成火柴人生活最初的版本。工作室的团队也一直在开发“火柴人的生活第二代”虽然中断了对该游戏的创建并没有完成,直到2010年底才完成。


The storyline of the game revolves around the main character, and his arrival in the 2D World. After falling in what seems like a dream, the main character wakes up to find himself on the streets of the 2D World, at which point the player assumes the role of the main character, and creates the rest of the storyline for themselves. 游戏的故事情节围绕主角,来到了2D模拟世界。他似乎要达成他的梦想,主角醒来知道自己来到2D街头火柴人的世界。此时玩家扮演主角“火柴人”并建立其余自己的人生故事。


The remainder of the storyline of the first game is not revealed until later through the release of Stick RPG 2, where the intro of the game briefly details the events that have unfolded since the series began, stating: 的第一场游戏故事情节没有发现,直到后来发行了火柴人的生活2。开始介绍了游戏简要的细节和事件。以下故事说明: 'It seems like eons ago - that afternoon in which you lazily drifted off, awakeningonly to become aware of your new existence in an unfamiliar dimension. 7 years have passed since that day. The last thing you can remember is falling asleep in your castle, rulerof the 2-Dimensional world. You wonder where you are now...is this limbo?You feel weightless, bodiless,drifing gently through the ether. You reason that it must have all been a dream...ora dream withina dream...about a dream? But...where are you now? Has it really been 7 years since you entered that strange dimension?Once again you feel perceptions warpand twistas time and space bend before your very eyes. Suddenly, a familiar sensation rushes to your head...you are falling.' 似乎很久以前,某天下午懒洋洋的睡着了。醒来才意识到自己呆在陌生的世界。7年以后最后一件事记得在你的城堡睡着了。2D世界统治者“火柴人”您想知道您现在在哪里么?这是地狱吗?你感觉失重,无形,甩尾轻轻通过醚。您活在这世界上的原因为了什么?它一定是一场梦,一个梦,一个梦,美好的梦想。可是。你现在在哪里呢?7年以来他真的进入奇怪的世界。在你的眼中你再一次看到战争而扭曲中的时间和空间扭曲。突然,一个熟悉的感觉涌到您的头上---您已经输了。


The game is played through the main character, who has woken up in the 2D World somehow. You are able to walk up, down, left, and right, to navigate your way through the small world that makes up the game. The main points of interest include raising stats, earning job titles, and working at jobs. 游戏玩法通过主角,不知怎么的醒来后来到2D虚拟世界。您可以用上下左右任意走动,游戏中任意闲逛 。主要目标包括提高属性,获得职业地位,以及在办公室工作。


Similar to most RPG's, Stick RPG Complete utilizes the concept of character development and interaction with the surroundings. The game can be set on four difficulty settings, which are: ​ 像大部分类似火柴人生活角色扮演游戏对主角人物采用完全不同的理念,性格发展和互动环境。游戏一开始可设置四种不同难度,分为: 1、15 days (hard) 15天困难 2、40 days (medium)40天中等 3、100 days(easy)100天简单 4、​​​​​Unlimited (easiest)无天数限制更简单。


Though the game can be played however the player so desires, what has been viewed as the main goal of the game is to achieve and aquire all that is possible. This mainly pertains to: 尽管该游戏允许玩家自由发挥实现火柴人主角的愿望,都视为该火柴人生活游戏的主要目标,实现理想并可能拥有一切的地位。主要目标涉及为: 1、​​Attaining the title of Dictator 获得冠军独裁者 2、Having the castle as a home 您的家庭必须拥有一座城堡。 3、​​Buying all possible furniture and accessories 购买所有的家具及其他补助配件。 4、Attaining 999 in Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma 个人属性力量,才智和魅力达到999最大值。 5、Getting the maximum or minimum karma value (100 or -100) 魅力值属性达到100或-100. 6、​​Earning over $1,000,000.资金超过100,0000元




​原版和资料片Stick RPG Complete功能可能不一样。比如原版Stick RPG火柴人生活可能不能购买高级房屋。​本人亲自试过。
