

托福写作考察的是一系列的综合能力,所以大家在托福写作备考时对细节处的准备也必不可少,比如不起眼的标点符号。今天津桥小编就为大家带来托福写作标点符号的使用规则。  一、撇号Apostrophe  1. 用来表示省略,比如:I’m I’ve I’d  需要注意的是,will not缩写成won’t,属于一个特殊的形式。另一点,更为重要,就是在书面语种,尽量不要使用缩写形式。  2. 表示所有关系  表示诸如:belongs to, possessed by, owned by, and of  用撇号表示所属关系是最为简便快捷的(quickest and easiest),这对英语,尤其是美式英语来说非常重要。  3. 如果是单数以-s结尾的词,所属形式是-‘s,比如:Doris’s。但是如果是以-s结尾的复数,则直接加-‘,例如:parents’。  二、引号 Quotation Marks  1. 用来引用某人说的话或者作者说的话。  例如:  “I feel as though I’ve been here before,” Annie murmured to her husband. (注意,引号结束前没有用句号。)  Ben Franklin once wrote, “To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.”  (注意,引号开始要大写。)  “Did you know,” said the nutrition expert, “that it’s healthier to be ten pounds overweight?” (注意,在引用的过程中没有使用冒号,这是同中文标点不同的地方。)  The biology professor said, “Ants are a lot like human beings. They farm their own food and raise smaller insects as livestock. And, like humans, ants end armies to war.”(注意,这个例句里面有了句号。逗号和句号的选择不受引号存在的影响,只要在引用过程中没有其他内容插入,则不需要启用新的引号。)  注意:引用是以逗号开始的,而不是冒号。在引用结束的时候的逗号和句号都放在引号之内。  - Every quotation begins with a capital letter.  引号开头要大写  - When a quotation is split, the second part does not begin with a capital letter unless it is a new sentence.  如果是第二部分引号,除非是新的一句话,否则不需要大写。  - Commas are used to separate the quoted part of a sentence from the rest of the sentence.  被引号分割的句子用逗号标志。  - Commas and periods that come at the end of quotation to inside the quotation marks.  逗号和句号要置于引号内部。  间接引语  标志词是that  例如:  直接引语:  The nurse said, “Some babies cannot tolerate cows’ milk.”  间接引语:  The nurse said that some babies cannot tolerate cows’ milk.  2. 用于标出短篇作品的名称  对于如下题目,需要加下划线:  Title of books, newspapers, magazines, plays, movies, CDs, and television shows  (如在印刷体中,则使用斜体字)  但是短篇如下,需要双引号标志:  Articles in books, newspapers or magazines; chapters in a book; short stories; poems; and songs  The essay “On Self-Respect” in the book Slouching Towards Bethlehem  The essay “On Self-Respect” in the book Slouching Towards Bethlehem  3. 表示对特殊词或词组的引用  In grade school, we were taught a little jingle about the spelling rule “i before e.”  (注意,句号放在了引号之内。)  What is the difference between “it's” and “its”?  (注意,问号放在了引号之外。)  4. 单引号用于引号之内的引用  The physics professor said, “For class on Friday, do the problems at the end of the chapter titled ‘Work and Energy.’”  (注意,句号放在了两层引号之内。)  以上就是津桥小编为大家整理的托福写作进阶之标点符号的内容,希望能够帮助大家备考。