

听力部分的介词使用主要体现在两个环节上,一审题,二听题。当我们在做雅思听力题目之前审题的时候,我们通常都先会找名词、形容词、动词等关键成分来做定位词,事实上部分介词也可以给我们审题带来很大的帮助。从而,在听录音找答案的过程中,就可以更有把握地根据预审的内容来对信息进行定位,找到正确答案。4.3、介词短语:介词短语 用法 介词+介词 From….to;Between……and 时间点 介词+名词 Amount of ;Lots of;Plenty of;Availability of;The importance of;The length of the paper 某一事物的数量或性质 介词+动词 Go to….;Be made of;Be utilized for…… 表示方向、用途、地点、材质等等。 To the front door which you have just come through here from the street. This door is closed and locked at 8pm every night and opened again at 7am.you will need your key if you are coming back to the college between those times.解析:从上述两道例题的录音的内容中可以看出,考官对录音做了很大的改动。但是从做题的角度,学生只需要知道这个题要填写的是时间,并且填写时间的顺序要和原文一致,不可颠倒就可以了。例3:剑5 test 5 Q24Listening to British students’ language because of: normal speed large amount of …………答案:slang注意:本题目需要考生了解amount of 后面要填写不可数名词,以免因为单复数丢分。并要掌握此类的计量短语结构,比如:lots of ,a number of 等等,并理清楚单复数。例4:剑6 test 1 Q32New technology allowed the production of goods made of………..and………….从made of 可以判断要填写某种材质 答案:metal ; leather例5:剑5 test 3 Q34Glass designed to be utilized for(表示用途或目的)………. cannot be recycled with other types of glasses 答案:cooking