

无论你是否已经制定了自己的职业方向—PA(私人助理),客户服务顾问,会计,销售或IT程序猿——达到目的最好的方法是提前准备一个结构性的计划。一个职业规划能给你令人兴奋的目标,它还可以帮助你在办公室糟糕的一天中保持积极心态。 这个课程旨在帮助你实现你的职业目标的----一个简短的指南---充满了有用的技巧来帮助你。 这里面有:把你的职业生涯看做一场旅行、了解什么才能激励你、深入了解你的技能、学历PK经验、把你的计划变成black & white、扩大选择面、不耻下问、了解你的雇主的期望。

网络课程链接: www.fuwu.com/Course/Index/44044


Analyze your current/future lifestyle. Are you happy with your current lifestyle? Do you want to maintain it or change it? Be sure to identify the key characteristics of your ideal lifestyle. Does your current career path allow you the lifestyle you seek? 分析你当前/未来的生活方式。你对目前的生活方式满意么?是否想要改变?找出满足你的理想生活中的关键点?你目前的职业/职业规划能否在未来帮助你达到你对生活的要求?


Analyze your likes/dislikes. What kinds of activities -- both at work and at play -- do you enjoy? What kind of activities do you avoid? Make a list of both types of activities. Now take a close look at your current job and career path in terms of your list of likes and dislikes. Does your current job have more likes or dislikes?分析你的喜好。工作中或生活中什么样的事是你喜欢做的,列表。


Analyze your passions. Reflect on the times and situations in which you feel most passionate, most energetic, most engaged - and see if you can develop a common profile of these situations. Develop a list of your passions. How many of these times occur while you are at work?分析你的激情所在。根据具体时间和当时情景分析你在做什么样的事情的时候最有激情。


Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Step back and look at yourself from an employer's perspective. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Think in terms of work experience, education/training, skill development, talents and abilities, technical knowledge, and personal characteristics.站在一个雇主的角度分析你的优势和劣势。


Analyze your definition of success. Spend some time thinking about how you define success. What is success to you: wealth, power, control, contentment...分析对于你来说,什么才是成功,财富,权利,幸福感?


Analyze your personality. Are you an extravert or an introvert? Do you like thinking or doing? Do you like routines or change? Do you like sitting behind the desk or being on the move? Take the time to analyze yourself first, then take one or more of these self-assessment tests.分析你自己,内向还是外向?行动者还是策划者?你喜欢按部就班还是不断改变?
