

1、《九色鹿》剧情简介英文版In ancient times, on the deserted Gobi beach, the camels of Persian businessmen lost their way because of the wind and sand, and suddenly a nine-color God deer appeared to give them directions。Nine-color deer returned to the forest and heard someone calling for help。It turned out that a snake charmer accidentally fell into the water while picking medicine。Nine-color deer busily carried him to the stone bank。The snake-maker is grateful。The nine-color deer only asks him not to tell others what happened to him。The snake-maker promises and swears to heaven。When Persian businessmen arrived at the palace of the ancient kingdom and talked to the king about the adventures in the desert,who knew that the queen listened and insisted on taking Nine-coloured deerskin for clothing。The king had no choice but to put up a notice that those who caught the Nine-coloured deer would be rewarded。The snake-maker notifies the king of his interests and ignores his righteousness, and designs to introduce the Nine-coloured deer into the encirclement。When he pretended to fall into the water again and Shenlu came to rescue him at the sound of the sound, the warriors waiting for him fired with arrows。Who knows that the Nine-coloured deer shines and the sharp arrows are reduced to ashes? The king was deeply disturbed when the nine-color deer exposed to him the ugly acts of ungratefulness of the snake charmer。The snake-maker was frightened, trembling, retreating, falling into the deep pool and drowning, and the wicked were eventually punished as they deserved。译文古代,在荒无人烟的戈壁滩上,波斯商人的骆驼队因遇风沙袭击而迷路,忽然出现一头九色神鹿给他们指点方向。九色鹿回到林中,听见有人呼救。原来一个弄蛇人在采药时不慎落水。九色鹿忙将他驮上石岸。弄蛇人感恩不尽,九色鹿只求他别将遇见它的事告诉别人,弄蛇人连连答应,还对天起誓。波斯商人到了古国皇宫,与国王谈起沙漠中的奇遇,谁知王后听了,执意要取九色鹿皮做衣裳。国王无奈,张贴布告:捕到九色鹿者给予重赏。弄蛇人见利忘义,向国王告密,并设计将九色鹿引入包围圈。当他假装再次落水,神鹿闻声赶来救他时,守候的武士们就万箭齐发。谁知九色鹿发出神光,利箭都被化为灰烬。九色鹿向国王揭露弄蛇人忘恩负义的丑恶行为,国王深为不安。弄蛇人吓得胆颤心惊,连连后退,跌进深潭淹死,恶人终究得到应有的惩罚。2、《邋遢大王》剧情简介英文版One day a sloppy child was tricked into the rat kingdom by a mouse after he drank the juice of a shrinking medicine。In the rat kingdom,the sloppy king used his wisdom to solve difficulties one after another, and finally returned to the ground。Seeing the sunshine, flowers and green signs of life, I realized that sloppy is a bad change from then on。译文生活邋遢的小孩,有一天由于喝了老鼠放了缩小药的果汁,变小后被老鼠骗到了老鼠王国。在老鼠王国,邋遢大王用自己的智慧解决了一道又一道的难关,最终回到了地面。看到了阳光和鲜花还有绿色的生命体征,从而发觉了邋遢是不好的从此而改变。扩展资料:1、《九色鹿》动画是根据敦煌壁画《鹿王本生》故事改编的。1980年夏天,冯健男和九色鹿团队花了两个月时间由上海出发,沿着丝绸之路从东到西到了敦煌。对着丰富绚丽的壁画,团队人员临摹了五大本速写。5个主创人员在敦煌的千佛洞里呆了整整23天,任务就是要完成九色鹿动画片中所有背景场景的设计。那时条件艰苦,并且需要靠手绘,只为将九色鹿形象以最真实、生动的形式呈现在电影荧幕前。整个九色鹿虽只有24分钟,但为此创作设计了200余幅场景。2、《邋遢大王奇遇记》作为中国第一部动画电视系列片,动画中,以钱运达先生为主的主创人员通过把邋遢大王的性格设置为叛逆、自嘲,有点儿幽默感,但又机智勇敢,爱憎分明,有强烈的社会责任感,使其在某种程度上与当时少年气味相投,产生与少年儿童共鸣的作用。《邋遢大王奇遇记》不仅让大家认识了片中这个不爱干净又贪玩的“邋遢大王”,朗朗上口的主题曲也传唱祖国大江南北。本片作为美影厂“美影经典剧场”的启动影片,也是中国真正的优秀动画片 。