
Do 在口语中的用法

1. Do a double take  因惊讶而再看一眼  She did a double take when he walked into the room.  他走进房间时,她惊讶地又看了他一眼。  2. Do a number on someone  捉弄、欺骗某人,深深地伤害某人  I'm afraid she did a number on him when she broke up.  我担心她提出分手对他伤害很深。  3. Do an about face  转身,转向来的地方  I'd like you to do an about face and go clean your room!  我想你还是回去打扫下房间!  4. Do away with something  禁止某事,使其无效。  They tried to do away with coffee in some cultures to little success.  他们尝试在一些地方禁止咖啡,效果却不如人意。  5. Do justice to something  成功完成,适当处理  I think that painting doesn't do justice to him.  我觉得那幅画不适合他。  6. Do one's duty  尽职尽责,完成别人对你的期望。  Remember to do your duty by honoring your parents.  记住,孝敬父母是你的职责。  7. Do one's part  完成被要求做的事,加入需要多人完成的某事。  He feels that volunteering is doing his part.  他觉得志愿活动是他的责任。  8. Do or die  非做不可,背水一战。  It's do or die time now. We're getting married!  现在非做不可了,我们结婚了!  9. Do someone good  对某人有好处  I think taking the week off will do you good.  我觉得休息一周对你有好处。  10. Do something over  由于不好的开头而重复某个动作  Let's do that over! I wasn't concentrated enough!  再做一次!我还不够专注!  11. Do someone proud  因某事做得出色使得别人为你骄傲。  David did his father proud throughout his successful life.  大卫为他父亲成功的一生而感到骄傲。  12. Do someone's heart good  使某人高兴  I think listening to some classical music would do your heart good.  我觉得听一点古典音乐会使你感到愉悦。  13. Do something by hand  亲自做某事  He built his house by hand.  他亲自建造了自己的房子。  14. Do something in vain  徒劳地做某事  Peter feels his doing the job in vain.  皮特觉得自己做的工作是徒劳无效的。  15. Do something on the fly  快速而不加思考地做某事。  I did it on the fly, it's nothing special.  我不假思索地飞快去做了,它也没什么特别的。  16. Do something on the run  在去别地时做某事。  We did it on the run while on the way to Arizona.  我们是在去亚利桑那州的途中完成这个的。  17. Do something on the sly  秘密地做某事。  She did it on the sly. Her husband never had a clue.  她偷偷地做这件事,她丈夫绝不会有线索。  18. Do the honors  做一些类似于切蛋糕,或做演讲之类的被视为荣誉的事。  I'd like to let your father do the honors.  我想让你的父亲执行这份荣耀。  19. Do the trick  完成任务,找到解决方案。  I think this pen will do the trick.  我觉得这只钢笔很耐用。  20. Do you read me?  通常是严厉地问某人是否理解自己的意思  We'll have no more talk! Do you read me?!  我们没什么好谈的,懂我的意思吗?