

可可棕榈岛建于蓝绿交错的礁湖之上,海水的清澈与各层次的蓝色带来了极致的视觉、想觉、望觉、美觉的度假享受。度假村由多位名设计师设计完成,结合了当代设计主流并结合了马尔地夫传统式的热带灵感,将每座独特的别墅呈现在每位宾客的心中。Colo Palm是一个连锁酒店,在马尔代夫有两个岛:Bodu Hithi和Dhuni Kolhu。两个岛的价格都差不多,装修风格和Hilton比较相似,但价格要比Hilton便宜。另外这个酒店也入选了著名的SLH(小型豪华酒店)。



水上别墅 每栋独立且位于沙滩边,此房型最多可容纳两大一小。


度假水上别墅 位于岛中央海上延伸区域,每间房均有漂亮的外观以及豪华的设备,每间villa设有一向外延伸的阳台备休闲躺椅可供私人日光浴以及一个swim-up平台,该平台设有一阶梯可直接下到海中。(此房型最多可容纳两大一婴儿)


ave you ever dreamed of spending the most special day of your life on a sandy beach under the glistening sun? Make your dream come true – Coco Palm Bodu Hithi, with its exotic beaches,turquoise blue water and serene atmosphere offers the perfect place to get married or to renew your vows for a lifetime together. Taking care of the little details that make-up your big day, it is our pleasure to help you turn your dreams into reality.您是否曾经梦想您人生中最重要的一天是在细白沙滩、温暖阳光下度过?可可棕榈岛让您梦想成真,他有豪华的沙滩,碧海蓝天,在这样的一个地方办婚礼,将会留下美好的回忆。为迎接这重要的一天做准备吧,我们岛屿很乐意帮您实现梦想。Start your day in the relaxing atmosphere of our Coco Spa and enjoy the pampering treatments of our professional Spa therapists. Our sensational package puts forward various beautifying experiences for the bride and groom with facial treatments, manicures and pedicures whilst taking in the dazzling view of the Indian Ocean. The Bride on this Special day will be pampered with perfect hair and make-up by our experts to make the day "uniquely yours".放松的一天先从岛屿特色的SPA开始,我们在金光闪闪的Indian Ocean里享受的特色美甲套餐会给新娘和新郎一个美好的回忆。新娘在这天会有专业人士帮其化妆和做发型,让这天只属于您。The traditional Maldivian ceremony will be held on a sandy beach with a glamorous wedding decoration that will truly be memorable for a lifetime. Traditional Bodu Beru drums will announce the arrival of the bride. While the groom waits with the Head of Ceremonies, the bride will make her way to her future husband along a pathway of palm leaves.在这洁白的沙滩上,我们会为您举行一个终身难忘的马尔代夫式的婚礼。伴随着传统的Bodu Beru击鼓声,新郎等待着婚礼主持人,新娘在棕榈叶铺的路上去拥抱新郎。 婚礼仪式包括交换结婚戒指,婚礼证明书,婚礼蛋糕。婚礼之后,享用一小时的浪漫夕阳航游。The beautiful ceremony includes the exchange of rings, a ceremonial wedding certificate and the traditional cutting of an exquisite cake as well as wedding photography. After your dream ceremony, you will be carried away on a 1 hour romantic sunset cruise whilst enjoying champagne and canapés.婚礼仪式包括交换结婚戒指,婚礼证明书,婚礼蛋糕。婚礼之后,享用一小时的浪漫夕阳航游。To make your big day a memorable and unforgettable one, we will prepare the most romantic candlelit dinner of your lives, upon the return from the sunset cruise. You will enjoy the finest cuisine with your loved one on the beach or in another island venue. Perfecting the dinner, a personal butler and a private chef will cater to your individual needs.为你使您有一个难忘的婚礼,我们精心准备了浪漫的夕阳烛光晚餐,在沙滩旁或另外一个岛屿享受着您最喜欢的食物,私人管家和私人厨师随时为您服务。After living your dream of the perfect wedding, you can enjoy your first breakfast as newlyweds in the privacy of your own villa. A rejuvenating wellness spa treatment awaits the two of you in the morning after the ceremony for the ideal conclusion of your tropical wedding making it the most memorable and relaxed experiences of your lives.婚礼第二天,新婚夫妇在自己的私人别墅里面享用早餐,餐后,一个让您放松身心的SPA作为婚礼最后的礼物。这一切的一切经历让您一生回味。服务项目 Services新郎服务:一个按摩,脸部按摩美容,婚礼前美甲(For the groom:a massage,facial,manicure and pedicure before ceremony)新娘服务:全天特色SPA(For the bride:full day spa pampering with beauty treatments and styling)新娘花饰(Tropical flower bouquet for the bride)马代传统Bodu Beru击鼓乐(Traditional Bodu Beru)婚礼装饰、拍照服务(Wedding ceremony with decoration and photography coverage by staff)数码CD底片(CD with digital negatives)婚礼蛋糕(Three layered Wedding Cake)婚礼证明书(Renewal of Vows Certificate)1小时浪漫夕阳航游(1 hour sunset cruise with canapes and champagne after the ceremony)烛光晚餐(Romantic candlelit dinner)花床布置(Special bed floral decoration as an evening turn down)婚礼后的双人SPA赠送(Complimentary Her and Him spa treatment for relaxation the day after the ceremony)可到岛屿后增加费用来增加额外项目(Troditional wedding attire can be arranged for additional charge plus any additional request is subject to extra charged directly)婚礼主持均为英语,其他语言视主持人实际情况为准。预约办婚礼必须在岛屿入住三晚及以(Accommodation is for a minimum stay of 3 nights.)备注:以英文为准,中文翻译仅供参考
