

Everyone wants to achieve beauty and health. To succeed humans should constantly work on their diet. It is very important to eat nourishing but healthy food and decrease fats; all these effectively impact on our complete condition and appearance。   人人都想既美丽又健康。若要如此,你就必须坚持在饮食方面下功夫。食用营养丰富、脂肪含量少的健康食物十分重要,因为这些食物可以有效地影响我们整个的机体以及外表。

Carrots 胡萝卜   This vegetable protects and keeps the outer skin layer and results preventing premature aging. The components of carrot correspond to Vitamin A。   这种蔬菜能保护皮肤外皮层防止它的提早衰老。胡萝卜中起主要作用的成分是维生素A。


Tomatoes 西红柿   Tomatoes is a remarkable vegetable for your skin as it is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium。   对于你的皮肤来说,西红柿是一种了不起的水果,因为它富含了维生素A,维生素C以及钾元素。


Sweet Potatoes 红薯   Sweet potato contains lots of vitamin A. This vitamin is very important as it is considered to be anti-wrinkling agent. Include it into your diet and your skin will become smother and cleaner。   红薯富含被认为是抗皱代表的维生素A。只要多吃它你的皮肤将变得更加紧致和洁净。


Nonfat Yogurt 脱脂酸奶   If you wish to have your teeth cavity-free and white-teeth smile nonfat yogurt should be included in your diet. Its bonus contains in calcium, it is high init。   如果你想避免蛀牙,并想展露洁白牙齿的笑容,那你就该把脱脂酸奶加入菜单之中。因为它富含钙元素。


Citrus Fruits 柑橘类水果   Lemons, oranges and any other citrus fruit form collagen resulting to holding the skin cells together. It is necessary to drink fruit juices and eat fruit very day. As the matter of fact, collagen cannot be added to the skin topically。   柠檬、桔子等柑橘类水果里富含的胶原物质能使皮肤紧致。事实上,胶原物质不能直接进入皮肤,所以每天喝一些果汁以及吃水果是很必要的。


Garlic 大蒜   Garlic is very useful for your beauty as well. It assists to combat wrinkles. In addition, it restores tissue。   大蒜也能对你的美丽做出贡献。它除了可以预防皱纹,还可以帮你修复组织。


Wheat Germ 小麦胚芽   If you do not know how to become free of pimples, wheat germs will effectively help you. The only thing you should do to eat two or three tables peons of what germs per day. Add it into your food such as to yogurt, cottage cheese and such。   如果你不知道如何摆脱粉刺的困扰,小麦胚芽就是你的好帮手,你要做的只是每天吃上两三匙分量的小麦胚芽。你可以把它添加进酸奶、奶酪一类的食物中一起进食。


Apple Cider Vinegar 苹果醋   The heavy concentration of apple cider vinegar results to peeling off dead skin cells. In addition it splits fat and assist food digest。   浓度高的苹果醋有助于皮肤中坏死、衰老细胞的清除。除此之外,苹果醋还能裂解脂肪,帮助食物消化。


Cheese 芝士   It is better to eat such kind of cheese as Swiss, cheddar, or Gouda. These ones assist in preventing cavities. In addition, the above kinds of cheese block bacteria in the mouth. Hence if you wish to have a nice smile, include a slice or two into your diet。    芝士最好是吃瑞士的、英国产的或者是荷兰制作的。这些芝士有助于预防蛀牙。另外,上面说的芝士还能阻止口腔里的细菌。因此,如果你想拥有一个漂亮的笑容,饮食中加入一两片芝士吧。
