
职场社交英语 1

【网络综合 - 英语口语试题】Dave: Welcome to xxxxx. I'm Dave. Looks like you've 1) inherited Bob's 2) cubicle.戴夫: 欢迎来到xxxxx。我是戴夫。看来你已经接管了鲍伯的办公室隔间。Zina: I'm Zina Romero. Sales. Who was Bob?吉娜: 我是吉娜萝美洛。业务员。谁是鲍伯?Dave: Bob was a totally 3) studly 4) programmer.戴夫: 鲍伯是个彻头彻尾的壮男程序设计师。Zina: Studly?吉娜: 壮男?Dave: You know. Big brain.戴夫: 你知道嘛,就是头好壮壮。Zina: His stuff is still 5) tacked up on the walls. Did he leave in a hurry?吉娜: 他的东西还钉在墙上。他走得很匆忙吗?Dave: The pressure got to him. Plus he wanted to get paid.戴夫: 压力让他崩溃了。加上他又想拿到薪水。语言详解A: Sitting in a cubicle all day.整天坐在隔间里。B: What do you hate most about working in an office?你最恨在办公室工作的哪一点。【get to 影响,左右】get to在对话中是指“影响,左右”,多半是指负面的情况:A:The pressure has been really getting to me lately.我最近真的被压力压得喘不过气来。B:Maybe you should take a vacation.或许你该去度个假。get to的另一个常见用法是“抵达”,这个短语在问路时很好用,相信大家也都不陌生:A:How can I get to the train station?我要怎么才能到火车站?B:It's around the corner and to the left.它就在转角那边靠左侧。get to还有一个常见用法,意思是“得以,才能够”:A:How did you get to be a politician?你是如何才得以当政治人物的?B:Many years of hard work.多年的苦功。1) inherit (v.) 继承2) cubicle (n.) (办公室)隔间3) studly 健壮帅气的,“猛男”是stud。4) programmer (n.) 程序设计师5) tack (v.) (用大头针)钉上