

这个周末忙的够呛。话说家里这两个活宝周五就在催我了,说面包吃完了,明天的早饭在哪里,让我周末一定记得要做面包,而且点名要做奶油土司。  周六下午我兴致勃勃打开面包机开始和面,按下按钮,怎么不转了,啊,面包机坏了啊!那怎么办啊,只得受揉了啊!我最讨厌揉面了,特别是放了奶油的面粉黏糊的够可以,一开始简直象在玩一堆烂泥,让人崩溃啊!发誓下次再也不会用手揉面粉了,活受罪啊!我说,Vincent你来玩吧,他可开心了,但只玩了不到一分钟,说,爸爸我玩不动了了!哈哈!好吧,继续让我捣鼓吧。中间断断续续,一直折腾到晚上9点钟,从此下定决心不再受揉,再怎么轻松还是要手揉的啊,关键是要揉到出膜,累啊!  快要过年了,看来搞卫生已经是摆在当前第一要抓的任务啊哈哈。Cutelady已经向好男儿布置了任务,把他书房里的玩具整理好。这不Vincent周末也有事情要做了,他在收拾这收拾那,最后向我们两个汇报,一定要我们两个检验他的胜利成果呵呵。  周日还出去了一下去买了一盆大的绿色植物,是Cutelady的姑妈搬新家了,过年在家里放一盆大的招财树或者幸福树家里是要感觉有生气的多了。过年嘛,就是一个气氛,家里一定要弄的喜气一点啊。  晚上打羽毛球,大家打的积极性都不高啊哈哈,原因很简单,发现输的那个总能有很多时间去吃放在客厅茶几上的零食哈哈,所以今天都不想赢了说。后来干脆说今天大家都别打了,吃东西,好男儿最喜欢自然是巧克力,我们吃大杏仁,我一口气可以吃五六十颗,是太多了,但就是控制不住啊哈哈!不过好在我们8点以后都不吃东西,至少没有发胖的迹象。不过有要过年了,一个年过下来人总会重几斤,呵呵,美食的都难抵挡啊!好的,今天就胡说八道到这里。学英语:继续用英语说传统吉祥话步步高升:Promoting to a higherposition出入平安:Safe trip wherever yougo郎才女貌: talented guy and beautifullady天缘巧合: a destiny given by heavenand a wonderful match天作之和: a match by heaven心心相印: a complete meeting ofminds永结同心: to be of one mindforever相亲相爱: to be kind and love to eachother百年好合: a harmonious union lasting ahundred years永浴爱河: bathe in a river of loveforever ==============================================         年菜里少不了这盘让你“年年高”的炒年糕  北方人过年都吃饺子,南方人过年吃年糕,这代表了南北的两种文化,饺子代表了“麦作文化”而年糕则是代表了稻作文化”。但是在南方,过年的时候年糕更多的是一种摆设或者是拜祖宗时用的贡品,或者说,人们用打年糕的方式说要开始过年了,在年夜饭中其实也是蛮不其眼的一道菜甚至只是在春节那几天当做早饭没吃的。所以北方人把饺子文化发扬的确实很好,让人们一看到饺子会非常亲切,特别是在异乡的时候。但没有南方人看到年糕就不会产生这么浓厚的情绪。所以你看外国人了解中国也是从饺子开始的。  但是既然这是一种文化,象征一种美好吉祥,所以大家在过年的时候还是会做年糕的,南方人吃的年糕有两种,一种是全糯米粉打出来的,很糯很粘;还有一种是用粳米打的,不是很粘,口感很爽口。南方人一般是吃咸年糕,青菜年糕,雪里蕻肉丝年糕,韭黄炒年糕,今天就炒一碗辣年糕吧!原料:年糕 大白菜 胡萝卜 甜不辣贡丸 辣椒酱 白芝麻 白糖做法:1.把所有食材都切好。2.热锅放油,加入大白菜菜梗和胡萝卜煸炒。3.加开水到食材一半。4.加入大白菜叶子。5.加入辣椒酱。6.搅拌均匀。7.马上放入年糕,年糕变软说明快要熟了。8.最后放一小勺白糖,撒上芝麻,放上葱就大功告成了!呵呵,有筒子非常想看看我家好男儿搭的纸质建筑,这不我今天把这碗炒年糕放在了他刚刚搭好的角斗场上面了啊,怎么样,这可是一张张纸片搭建出来的啊,工程很浩大吧!        希望这盘炒年糕都给大家带来好运啊呵呵!      Vanessa Williams---Color Of The WindYou think you own whatever land you land onThe earth is just a dead thing you can claimBut I know ev'ry rock and tree and creatureHas a life has a spirit has a nameYou think the only people who are peopleAre the people who look and think like youBut if you walk the footsteps of a strangerYou'll learn things you never knew you never knewHave you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moonOr asked the grinning bobcat why he grinnedCan you sing with all the voices of the mountainCan you paint with all the colors of the windCan you paint with all the colors of the windCome run the hidden pine trails of the forestCome taste the sun-sweet berries of the earthCome roll in all the riches all around youAnd for once never wonder what they're worthThe rainstorm and the river are my brothersThe heron and the otter are my friendsWe were night two each other in a cirle in a hoop that neverendsHave you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moonOr let the eagle tell you there he's beenCan you sing with all the voices of the mountainCan you paint with all the colors of the windCan you paint with all the colors of the windHow high does the sycamore growIf you cut it down then you'll never knowAnd you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moonFor whether we are white or copper-skinnedWe just sing with all the voices of the mountainNeed to paint with all the colors of the windYou can own the earth and stillAll you'll own is earth untilYou can paint with all colors of the wind