

点击进入我的微博:我的轻博客:近来还是有很多博友请求加好友,实在抱歉好友人数已满,所以请大家加我关注或者收藏我的博客都可以,那样看的时候就非常方便了!谢谢大家的支持!三个人吃好晚饭,先是和好男儿一起再复习一下一天上课的内容,让他背背课文,朗读一下明天要上的内容,作业么他一回来就已经做好了。然后大家在一起看一会书。接下来就是娱乐时间:打牌。虽然是打牌,其实也是我们三个人的交流时间,昨天是让他试着讲一个故事,也就是把看过的故事复述出来,由于故事太长,好男儿花了很久才复述完,首先我们对他的表现加以肯定,很不错,能把看完的故事复述出来,同时我们就指导他可不可以再讲得简单点,把细节部分去掉点,如果配上脸部表情或者手势,那就更好了啊呵呵!打完牌就是好男儿的英语动画片时间,他这个时候喜欢喝点牛奶,来点零食,我们垃圾食品基本不吃,今天吃了点水果和番薯,还有自然是我做的饼干。为什么现在饼干都是我来做了呢?因为以前的饼干都是买的,但我从来没有仔细看上面的配方,有一天我无意地看了一下配料,一看就吓一跳,就这么一块饼干,里面为什么要加那么多食品添加剂?我们知道,做饼干是最简单的,包括我上次做的黄油曲奇饼干,很多人还说热量高,怕胖,那你每天嚼着巧克力,吃着自己买的饼干就健康了?好多饼干要用到黄油,黄油到底是什么油呢?来了解一下吧:黄油营养是奶制品之首,牛奶炼成的黄油营养丰富,含维他命,矿物质,脂肪酸,醣化神经磷脂,胆固醇,黄油做菜也很香,可以炸鱼,煎牛排,烤面包,涂抹面包吃,不仅营养丰富,而且很香醇味美,绵甜可口。其实很多不懂的人误解了,以为黄油是脂肪,其实不是,黄油虽然也含部分脂肪,但是一款质量上乘的黄油,脂肪含量往往很少的,最多不超过百分之30,黄油是牛奶提炼出来的,富含丰富的氨基酸,蛋白质,还富含维生素A等各种维生素和矿物质,可以为身体的发育和骨骼的发育补充大量营养,是青少年不可多得的保健食材。适当食用黄油是有好处的,特别是青少年。你一个大人,怕胖,那是因为你吃多了,过量了,控制饮食才是王道!但我们看看外面买的饼干,里面有黄油吗?没有,都被食用植物油替换了!为什么?因为可以减少成本。而我们自己做的时候,根本用不着加那些添加剂!因为黄油就是最好的纯天然食品添加剂。今天给大家看看我做的这款饼干,我给它取名为真棒饼干。因为我家好男儿小学里每天根据孩子的表现会给他们发真棒卡,自然是越多说明表现越好。拿了那么多精神食粮,还是让tony来点物质奖励啊,看着老师发的真棒卡片吃着老爸做的你真棒饼干,岂不美哉?原料:低筋面粉150克鸡蛋一个 芝麻10克绵白糖30克 黄油20克做法:1.面粉里加入鸡蛋和白糖后稍微搅拌一下;2.黄油室温软化后打散就可以,不用打发;3.把前面搅拌好的面粉放入黄油里;4.放入芝麻揉成面团后就可以,不能过度揉面;5.把面团用擀面杖擀开,厚度在半厘米左右;6.把面块切成半厘米左右的长条;7.把切好的长条在案板上滚圆;8.烤箱预热180度,烤22分钟就差不多了;9.冷却后可以粘上巧克力酱或者别的果酱(直接吃一样美味)。注意要点:1.做饼干最好不要用植物油代替,这样做也未必健康;2.最好少放或者不放添加剂,比如泡打粉什么的;3.面团不能过度搅拌是因为任何面粉,包括低筋面粉,长时间搅拌都会产生筋度,这样做出的饼干会太硬;4.每个人的烤箱不一样,所以烤到18分钟左右最好呆在烤箱边上,防止烤焦。5.做好的饼干冷却后放入保鲜袋扎紧保存,防止受潮影响口感,5天内吃完。 同类的大品牌的这款饼干只有10根,卖5块钱啊,自己做便宜不说,吃的放心啊。其实我对大人吃什么不怎么在乎,但是小孩啊,马虎不得啊哈哈!我把它叫做真棒饼干,孩子可以直接体会到“我真棒”啊哈哈!自己做的饼干就是健康吧!学习英语:英语口语中好用的四词短句1.Give me a break! 饶了我吧!2.Glad you like it!很高兴你喜欢!3.Great minds think alike!英雄所见略同!4.He always talks big!他老是吹牛!5.He's a double crosser!他是个骗子!6.I cross my heart! 我发誓是真的!7.I just made it! 我做到了!8.I watch my money!视财如命!9.I'll be right back! 我马上回来!10.I'll check it out!我去看看!看!11.I'll see to it!我会留意的!Boys Like Girls - The First OneEven though you're gone and far awayI feel you all aroundI think about it every single dayYou got away somehowI can't sleep, it's hard to breatheAnd I still feel you next to meNow I can seeThe first one is the worst oneWhen it comes to a broken heartYour first love yeah, your soul's goneAnd you feel like a falling starThere's a fire in the cityThat's burning out tonightAnd you're breathingBut you're buried aliveThe first one is the worst oneWhen it comes,When it comes to a broken heartSpinning like a movie in my headI've seen a thousand timesI've learned to take it hard and fall insteadI'm sittin' safe on the sidelinesLost days, pictures fadeSomehow you're still miles awayIt's safe to sayThe first one is the worst oneWhen it comes to a broken heartYour first love yeah, your soul's goneAnd you feel like a falling starThere's a fire in the cityThat's burning out tonightAnd you're breathingBut you're buried aliveThe first one is the worst oneWhen it comes,When it comes to a broken heart'Cause I would walk through a thunderstormJust to kiss youI'm out here on my ownBetter now than I was beforeBut I miss you and I want you to knowI can't sleep, it's hard to breatheAnd I still feel you next to meAnd I can see, yeahThe first one is the worst oneWhen it comes to a broken heartYour first love yeah, your soul's goneAnd you feel like a falling starThere's a fire in the cityThat's burning out tonightAnd you're breathingBut you're buried aliveThe first one is the worst oneWhen it comes,When it comes to a broken heartThe first one is the worst oneWhen it comes to a broken heartYour first love yeah, your soul's goneAnd you feel like a falling starThere's a fire in the cityThat's burning out tonightAnd you're breathingBut you're buried aliveThe first one is the worst oneWhen it comes,When it comes to a broken heart