

Lighting and texturing was done. I begun to experiment with the final composition. I put my rendered element in differnt position, sit back and post my experiment in forum and recieved many valuable comments. Finally I decided to follow my old composition . At this point I used photoshop to desaturate my render into mono-tone image to 'seperate' value and add depth to my image.光线和纹理渲染都完成了。我开始尝试完成整个作品。我把上好色的元素放到不同的位置,然后反思我的尝试并标上许多比例的注释。最终我决定按照我开始的想法完成作品。这时我用Photoshop降低图片的色彩饱和度直至变成单色图片,以找到不同的比例并增加这份作品的层次感。打造科幻太空激战效果 F--==爆炸和导弹轨迹==--I used maya fluid effect for sky explosion and missle trails.我使用玛雅的流效果来制作天空中爆炸以及到达导弹碎片。--==最终处理==--I composited all elements with adobe photoshop, desaturated, blur, I added glow effect, paint fog to seperate my element. With my greyscale reference from my earlier step, I adjusted contrast and value of pilot to seperate it from the spaceship .我开始用photoshop混合所有的元素——褪色、模糊……,并且给不同元素加上glow effect(微光),雾化效果。参考之前的步骤适当改变图片的灰度。我不断调整对驾驶员和太空船的比例。I begun to fine tune all detail point, retouche some problem spots and I used photoshop`s liquify to add 'heat wave'effect to spaceship jet. Finally it was done!我开始最终调整所有的细节部分,不断修改一些问题,并且使用Photoshop的liquify滤镜来实现太空船喷射出的尾气效果。这份作品终于完成了!!