

今天接菲比放学时,老师说:“和孩子们在做手工课的时候,菲比拿了支小棒子,直接敲老师头上了”老师直接“唉唷,好痛呀”菲比一下知自己闯祸了。立马“恶人先告状”先哭了起来。(太有我小时候的犯儿了。绝对的遗传啊!偶小时就是做错事,先哭,老爸就打不下手。偶姐就是牛皮灯笼,对着干的性格,死活不哭,不认错。所以没少吃老爸的藤条焖猪肉)老师说了,菲比也不是故意的,只是玩的太过火了吧。这个我是相信的啊。平时菲比在家也没有舞刀弄剑的习惯。从来没有拿“武器”打人的。平时要是妈妈说痛什么的,菲比都会过来抱抱亲亲妈妈。我问菲比有没跟老师说SORRY了,菲比说有的。实在太对不起老师了。菲比当时哭了,我想也是知道自己错了。下不为例。几张朋友要求征稿的片片,不知是否合用了:)菲比每天洗完澡后,都会在自己的小床上啖一杯奶。自己睡个小枕头,然后让她的小宠睡另一个迷你小的枕头在边上陪着。虽然菲比妈手做的猫咪已经不经风霜起了好多毛球,但始终没被菲比嫌弃下面是五只猴子的儿歌,英文版的。菲比第一次录时,一下忘词了,那口张张合合半天,自己都不好意思笑出来了。中间时突然从桌上捉起一支蜡笑当话筒的,很是搞笑:)第一次录有说唱的味道。本来儿歌用意是叫小朋友们不要在床上乱跳,会摔倒,摔到头啊。不过菲比学了这儿歌,在床上跳得更欢了,床都跳出吱吱声来了,有点担心床不不久已。那天在床上跳,一下撞到床头板了。菲比就把猴子换成菲比来唱了。Nomorephoebe jumping on the bedFive little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.Papa called the Doctor and the Doctor said,'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.Papa called the Doctor and the Doctor said,'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'One little monkey jumping on the bed,He fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,'Put those monkeys straight to bed!'