
防守堡垒Storm The House相关玩法与介绍

中文名:防守堡垒英文名:Storm The House其它中文名:无敌堡垒、守房风暴、火柴人守城、暴风袭房、碉堡攻坚战。英文介绍:Storm the House is a game similar in style to Defend Your Castle. You must defend your home in the middle of a desert from oncoming invaders. Have your gun ready to blast away any and all interlopers! Hire gunman and silo workers to repel the attacking forces! How long can you hold out? 中文介绍:无敌堡垒是一款类似“保卫你的城堡、守护城堡”之类的游戏。你必须捍卫自己的家园,从而在沙漠中面对迎面而来的侵略者。用你的手枪准备保卫自己的家园并消灭入侵者。还可雇佣枪手和导弹工人帮你击退敌人!你还能坚持多久么?





​防守堡垒可能来源其它网站相关游戏,具体情况不明。但可记住英文名storm the house即可。

How to Play如何开始

From the title screen, click on 'Play' to begin the game. You may also click on 'Instructions' to view a general description about the game and its controls. ​游戏画面标题请点击“PLAY”按钮开始游戏。或许你也可以点击“INSTRUCTIONS”查看游戏主要说明和操作方法。


​Playing the game is simple enough, drag your cursor over to the enemies attacking your house and click on them. You have seven rounds of ammo and clicking on an enemy causes you to fire upon them, but be fast as they move rather quickly. After each enemy dies you receive $100. However you need to keep an eye on your ammo because it runs out quickly especially since all enemies take multiple shots to defeat. (The ammo display is the yellow bar on the upper left corner of the screen.) Be sure to reload your gun by pressing the space bar. ​该游戏规则非常简单,敌人正在攻击你的堡垒,用光标移动至敌方单位按左键攻击。一开始你有7发子弹鼠标并用左键射击敌人。但他们很快采取行动。消灭一个敌人获得100块钱。然而你需要睁大你的眼睛看着画面左上方弹药数量因为你的弹药很快会耗尽。尤其是因为敌人的入侵数量多导致您的失败。(弹药在画面左上方黄色状态条显示)玩家要随时留意弹药数量关键时刻按空格键填充子弹。


​Each day has a visible, but non-numbered time limit. You'll notice the background turn from day into evening. Once the top portion of the screen turns completely black, the day is over. ​每一天敌人都会像暴风雨那样侵入你的基地,却没有人数限制。你会注意到背景变化从白天变成傍晚。一旦背景变成黑色,这一天的战斗就结束了。


​Once the day is over, you are able to cash in your profit for upgrades ranging from more ammo to more defenses. (You will lose a certain amount of money from your score depending on how many gunman, craftsmen, or silo workers you have in your employ.) As the game progress each day more and more enemies will appear and they begin to get faster, and use heavier artillery as well. So unless you're the best there is, upgrades come highly recommended. If your house loses all hit points, the game is over and you must submit your score. 一旦这天战斗结束后,你可以使用您所赚取的现金升级弹药或堡垒防御体系。(您雇佣过的枪手,维修工以及导弹发射人员数量每天结束后都要付工资给他们,工人工资从你资金上扣除)每一天却一点点过去,而越来越多的敌人会出现甚至更多,敌方行动速度有时变得很快。也包括敌方的重型火炮。除非你有良好的基地防御,推荐升级要塞达到最大级别。如果你的基地生命降为0,那么游戏就会结束,游戏结束后你或许可能上传您的成绩或分数。


Point and click on the enemies to shoot them. You'll know you've scored a successful hit when you see a puff of red appear from the shot. (A missed shot will be a white puff) 用鼠标左键射击敌人。你也知道您成功消灭敌人却从画面左上方的弹药容量条黄颜色逐渐变成红色。(如果您没射到敌人也容易丢了一发子弹,弹药也无法自动填充)。


To reload, press the Space Bar. 填充弹药,请按空格键。


Any upgrades purchased are automatic, and will attack enemies randomly. (i.e. Gunmen, etc.) 任何武器升级为机关枪之类武器,攻击速度很快或许能有几率攻击任何敌人(包括枪手等)


As mentioned above you may purchase upgrades to your home. These include: 您购买后的基地防御体系将永久存在。基地防御体系一共只有7种。


Clip Size +1: You can spend $1000 to purchase an extra shot for your gun. This has no limit. You start out the game with 7 shots. 增加一发最大容量弹药量:花1000块钱为您的手枪额外增加1发弹药。没有数量限制。只要有钱就可以买,您一开始弹药最大容量数为7发。


​Upgrade Wall: Increases your maximum health by 50 hit points an upgrade. There are three levels to upgrade, and cost 3000, 8000, and 12000 dollars. ​升级城墙:升级城墙将额外增加您的基地最大生命值50点,价格等级分为3000元,8000元以及12000元最大等级。


​Sniper Rifle: Doubles the amount of damage done by your gun. (i.e. Enemies that took two shot to kill will take one. Enemies that took 4 shots to kill will take 2, etc.) Costs 75000 dollars. 狙击步枪:您的手枪增加双倍攻击力。(比如敌方需要4下才能消灭有了该武器只需要2发弹药就能消灭)花费75000元。


​Fortify: Increases your maximum health by 375 hit points per upgrade. Has two levels that cost $50000 and $100000 强化堡垒:升级后增加375点堡垒最大生命力,两种等级分别花费50000元和100000元。


​Gunman: Hire a gunman to take shots at oncoming enemies from inside the house. The more gunmen you hire, the faster their rate of fire. Costs $2000 per gunman. There is a 160 dollar upkeep for each gunman in your employ. 雇佣枪手:雇佣一名枪手,枪手从堡垒里直接自动攻击敌人。枪手数量越多,攻击频率越快。雇佣1个花费2000元但是每天战斗结束后需要付给每位枪手160块钱的工资。


​Craftsman: Hire a craftsman who will steadily repair damage done to your house. The more craftsmen you hire, the faster they will repair damage. Costs $8000 per craftsman. There is an 800 dollar upkeep for each craftsman in your employ. 修理工:雇佣一名修理工,战斗中可自动修理您的基地。修理工雇佣的越多修理基地速度就越快,每雇佣一名修理工花费8000元,战斗结束后需要付给每位修理工800块钱的工资。


​Missile Silo (and Silo Worker): You can purchase a missile silo for 35000 dollars, but the silo is worthless unless you hire Silo Workers to operate it. You cannot hire Silo Workers until you purchase a Missile Silo. Once you have at least one silo worker, your silo will fire a missile that will cause splash damage near a random enemy on the field, instantly killing (or at least highly damaging) anything caught in the explosion. The more silo workers you have, the more often the missiles will fire. Each silo worker costs 12000 dollars. There is a $1600 upkeep for each silo worker in your employ. 导弹发射井(以及导弹工人):您购买一座导弹塔需要35000块钱,但您建造一座导弹塔需要雇佣导弹工作人员才能运作。一旦你雇佣一个导弹工人,您的导弹塔将会发射一枚导弹,对大面积敌人造成伤害。导弹攻击力还可瞬间消灭敌方士兵(至少可以说是攻击力高吧),拥有更多的导弹工人,导弹攻击频率就越高。雇佣一个导弹工人需要12000元,每天结束后还要付给每个导弹工人1600块钱的工资。


Move as fast as you can and make good judgments when you decide to fire. Prioritize enemies that are fast approaching your house, or have heavy artillery. 尽可能前期合理利用资金策略,先决定消灭最有威胁的敌人。最好先对付那些有火炮等一些对你基地有威胁的单位。


​Keep a good balance of ammo, and defense at first. It's good to have at least 30 shots during the first few days, and one wall upgrade. Do not upgrade the wall any further during the first 10 or so days, as it's too expensive for the mere 50 hit points you'll get. That money is better spent on Gunmen or ammo. ​记得随时节约子弹,解决防御是第一位。第一天最好射击30名敌人以便于建立良好的城墙防御。不要在第10天或更少的天数内升级你的城墙,升级城墙太贵最多只给你50点最大生命力。那笔钱最好雇佣枪手帮你防御基地比较好。


​Hire nothing but gunmen until you reach about 40 or 50 of them. Gunmen are surprisingly useful in this game. (unlike Defend Your Castle's archers) A good amount of gunmen will clear out most enemies before they even reach your wall, even in the later stages. ​雇佣枪手直到你有40名或50名帮你守住基地,因为雇佣枪手很常用(不像守护城堡游戏中的弓箭手)能帮你防御基地快速消灭敌人。有一定数量的枪手可以在敌人接近你的城墙之前帮你更快更顺利地消灭敌人。即便在后期阶段也是一样的。


​Once you start to see quite of bit of Bazookamen (who will start to appear on day 12) or you start seeing ANY tanks (which will first appear on day 18), get the Sniper Rifle upgrade as soon as possible. It will save you a lot of clicking and reloading. ​一旦你看清楚敌方进攻策略(某些有威胁单位可能在第12天出现)或一开始看到很多坦克(在第18天出现),就立刻用狙击步枪快速升级有用的武器和防御体系并摧毁坦克。这可节约许多弹药。


​It's better to repair only when you really need to (like if there's no way you'll pass the next day without it). That money is better spent on Craftsmen, as a small amount of Craftsmen can actually repair through most damage caused on that stage (as long as you take out the heavy artillery). Keeping 10 Craftsmen should be enough even well into the later days. ​修理基地最好的办法就是花钱雇佣维修工(如果你没有任何办法度过下一天你可以手动修复),因为那笔钱可以帮你更好的防御你的基地,同时基地受损还能自动修复,修复速度非常给力(甚至敌方派遣重型火炮打击你的话)。您的基地甚至到了后期至少要有10名修理工才能稳固防御体系。


​Getting a missile silo should be the last priority on your list. While they are great at cutting down the amount of work you and your gunmen will have to do, you'll need quite a few Silo workers (approx. 10 or more) before they can attack at a rate fast enough to really help you. Work on maxing out your defenses (a fully upgraded house will have 1000 hit points) and getting a good amount of ammo (100+ rounds) first. ​购买一座导弹发射器需要更多的金钱和工人,虽然攻击力非常强,前期还赶不上用枪手防御你的基地最好。如果想要让导弹发射器运作至少需要10名或以上导弹工人,攻击速度才能达到最佳效果。升级你的防御体系(升级城墙和加固堡垒,堡垒生命力最大1000点),并优先增加100发最大弹药容量。


​Use the downtime between days to take a break if needed. This game can be murder on your clicking finger. ​​太阳落山后如果需要可以休息一下注意身体。中体该游戏无法暂停游戏长时间坐在电脑眼前对身体有害。甚至有时候该游戏可能出现光标不灵活等等。






