

low在英语中是低,矮小的意思。在日常口语中low可以延伸为很土、很挫、品位很低的意思。对人、或者物评价都是不段久各太好、不满意,贬低的意味。adj. 低的,浅的;卑贱的;粗俗的;消沉的adv. 低声地;谦卑地,低下地n. 低;低价;低点;牛叫声vi. 牛叫n. (Low)人名;(英、德)洛[ 比较级 lower 最高级 lowest ]短语low density低密度 low quality质量低劣 low concentration低浓度;低集中度 low power consumption低功耗;低电耗 扩展资料用法例句1、If the effects you are experiencing are low energy, no money, no passion, life = hell.如果你所经历的效果是低能量、无金钱、无热情地,那么生活=地狱。2、Yet when you ask them why their price is so low, you realize that these people do not think so highly of themselves.然而当你问到为何这些人的收入如此低时,你应该意识到他们不会思考更高帮匠层面的问题。3、If his theory works, then at low energies it should look like general relativity.如果他的理论正确,那么在低能量下它看起来像广义相对论。4、If you take all the air in this room and put it in the corner, that’s low entropy.如蚂始果你抽走房间里的所有空气,并把这些空气放在一个角落里,那么这个角落就处于低熵状态。 5、Prices of grain and cotton ruled low owing to a bumper harvest this year.由于今年的丰收,粮棉价格普遍偏低。