

An old Cuban fisherman named Santiago lived in a small shack by the sea.(古巴一个叫圣迪亚哥的老渔民住在海边一个小窝棚里。)He lived a poor and helpless life, only a boy named manolin to chat with him, to help him pick up the fishing tools.(他过着贫困且无依无靠的生活,唯有一个叫马诺林的男孩去和他聊天,帮他收拾打渔的工具。)The old fisherman didn't catch any fish for 84 days. But he didn't give up. On the 85th day, he went to sea again.(老渔民一连84天都没有捕猎到一条鱼,但是他却没有放弃,第85天,他再次出海。)This time he caught a marlin, which was too big.(这一次,他捕猎到一条马林鱼,由于马林鱼过于巨大。)After three days and nights of fighting, the old fisherman caught the marlin and tied it to his boat.(老渔民经过三天三夜的战斗,才把马林鱼捕获并绑在船上。)Returning home, the sea sharks came to grab the marlin meat, the old fisherman exhausted methods but marlin was eventually swallowed by sharks.(返航回家时,海中的鲨鱼前来抢夺马林鱼的肉,老渔民用尽方法但是马林鱼最终还是被鲨鱼们完全吞噬。)When he came home, the marlin had only a skeleton, so he began to eat the bones.(他回家时,马林鱼只剩下一个骨架,于是他开始吃起马林鱼的骨头。)扩展资料《老人与海》角色介绍:1,桑地亚哥演员:斯宾塞·屈赛古巴海边的老渔民,无依无靠,没有亲属,和邻近的男孩马诺林很熟,马诺林经常来和他聊天,和他学习捕鱼技巧。2,马洛林演员:Felipe Pazos古巴海边的居民,年纪很小,喜欢捕鱼生活,经常和桑迪亚哥去聊天,帮他收拾渔具。