

1、In the year of dog,wish you eternal happiness with your family always.在狗年里,祝你全家喜气洋洋。 2、May you realize your ambitions in the year of dog.   祝狗年大展宏图。3、May all your wishes be fulfilled in the year of dog.   狗年万事如意。6、As the year of the dog arrives, I wish you peace, luck, and joy.   狗年到,祝你狗年大吉,旺旺旺!7、May you be honored and exalted in life.   做人旺上加旺。8、Enjoy lasting prosperity. 事业旺,发大财。9、May your career paths be smooth.前程一路旺到底。10、Abundant fortune throughout the year!  狗年发大财!11、Wishing you a dog year with profits pouring in, prosperity in business, and hassle-free work.  祝你狗年财源滚滚,生意兴隆,工作顺利。