

如果想提高新托福的写作得分,写作时用词的表达方式便十分重要。恰当而富有特色的表达往往可以提高词汇的鲜活力。在我们平时阅读的外文文章中往往会发现,一篇文章用的名词出现概率相当的高。不仅如此,对名词喜爱的程度更是到了把动词都要名词化,而且经常性的使用抽象名词,因此在写作时,如果能够投其所好,自然能够得到加分。  简单说,名词化即是动词或形容词被用作名词的现象。比如动词转成名词:discovery->discovery, move->movement, refuse->refusal,又比如形容词转成名词:careless->carelessness, difficult->difficulty, intense->intensity.那么什么情况下,我们需要进行名词化呢?  A.谓语动词的宾语部分  原句:I do not know either what she meant or what he intends.  名词化:I do not know either her meaning or his intentions.  B.结合被动形式  原句:If people decide without enough persuasive information,…  名词化:If a decision is made without enough persuasive information,…  C.取代诸如从句中'the fact that'的用法  原句:The fact that I denied what he accused me of impressed the jury.  名词化:My denial of his accusations impressed the jury.  更好的名词化:a. When I denied his accusations, I impressed the jury.  b. In denying his accusations, I impressed the jury.  D.名词化部分用在there is/are的后面  原句:We demand that the government stop taxing entertainment.  名词化:There is a demand for an end to taxation on entertainment.  原句:The floods considerably eroded the land.  名词化:There was considerable erosion of the land from the floods.  然而,有些时候,在我们的新托福写作方式中认为理所应当使用'名词化'时,老外认为是没有必要的。比如:  A.名词化部分跟在动词后面  原句(名词化'冗余'):The police conducted an investigation into the matter.  改后:The police investigated the matter.  B.名词化部分作为主语  原句:Our discussion is concerned with a tax cut.  改后:We discussed a tax cut.  C.连续进行名词化  原句:a. First, she reviewed the evolution of the dorsal fin.  b. There was a first a review of the evolution of the dorsal fin.  改后:First, she reviewed how the dorsal fin evolved.  D.连接部分名词化  原句:Their cessation of hostilities was because of their personnel losses.  改后:They ceased hostilities because they lost personnel.  原句:The instability of the motor housing did not preclude the completion of the field trials.  改后:Even though the motor housing was unstable, the research staff completed the field trials.  因为中国的传统习惯是在组句中以动词为主,因此在新托福写作的过程中,如何转到地道的表达对大家来说可能是一件比较困难的一件事,不过任何事情只要做了,就有可能发生。相信同学们勤加苦练必然能有所收获。