
发国外文章如何写cover letter

对国外杂志投稿的时候,一般都是使用email投递,除了正文文章作为附件发送以外,还需要写一封信,叫cover letter,一封好的cover letter可以起到很好的作用,就好比你求职的时候的自荐信,要吸引住编辑的眼球,你就成功一半了。国外杂志编辑的权利很大,基本决定你的生死。通俗地说,cover letter的写作更需要像文章的自我介绍,自信之中务必突出自己的不同之处(novelty & significance)。cover letter的写作实际上更有规律可言:第一句话往往是 “We would like to submit the enclosed mauscript entitled 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', which we wish to be considered for publication in xxxxx”。需要对本研究的背景做高度的概括性描述(一到两句话)并显示出该领域的研究是重要的,如“As we know, xxx protein palys crucial roles the breast cancer metastasis by regualting xxxx pathway”,下面需要突出在该领域还有什么没解决的,“However, it is still unclear whether the protein xxxxxxxx, hindering the deep understanding to tumorigenesis in breast cancer”。然后在写作上转向对自己工作的描述:“In this paper, we reported an unexpect mechanism by which xxx protein xxxxxxxxxxxxxx in breast cancer”。然后是对自己工作重要性的评价:“Our findings thus provide an important guidance to xxxxxxx in breast cancer therapy”。最后作者需要自信地强调 “Due to these important observations, we are confident that our manuscript fits the criteria of xxxxx”。由于考虑到研究的冲突和评审的公正客观,cover letter的最后一部分往往有“评审人的建议排除”,即不希望自己的稿件被如干人评审,当然决定全在编辑手中。cover letter的撰写最需要避免的是写的像Abstract,有过多的实验结果的描述