

这些都是可能会出现的口语问题,可以试着练习Part 1考题总结考题总结:Study1. Are you working or studying?2. Tell me about the school or university you attend.3. Tell me something about your primary school.4. What is your major?5. Do you like your major and why?6. What courses or subjects do you study?7. What is your favorite subject?8. What is the most useful subject?9. What would you like to do in the future?10. What are the characteristics of schools in China?11. What kinds of majors are available in China?12. What do Chinese people think about teachers?13. Is teaching a popular job in China, why or why not?Work1. Are you working or studying?2. What do you do for a living?3. How long have you been doing this job?4. Do you like your job, why or why not?5. Do you find your job interesting?6. What are your main responsibilities in your job?7. Is working important to you?8. Have you received any training related to your work?9. Tell me about your boss or colleague.10. What would be your ideal job?11. If you could choose another job, what would you choose?Home1. Do you currently live in a house or a flat/apartment?2. Can you describe your house/flat?3. What main items of furniture or appliances do you have in each room?4. Is it a typical house/flat in your city?5. What kind of house or flat do you want to live in the future?6. Do you like the decoration in your home, why or why not?7. Will you move to another house or flat in the near future?8. What kind of house/flat are you going to move into?9. What do you think of the area in which you live?10. How long have you been living there?11. What are your neighbors like?House and Apartment1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?2. How do you like it? And why?3. What part of your home do you like best?4. Can you describe your room?5. Do you want to change your room?6. What would it be if you could change something about your room?7. Where do you live now? And how long have you been there?8. Who do you live with?Housework1. Do people do a lot of housework in your country?2. Do Chinese people like spending time doing housework?3. Did you do a lot of housework when you were a child?4. Is it important for a child to do housework?5. What kind of housework do you have to do in China?6. What different kinds of housework do man and woman do?Music1. Do you like music, and what type of music do you like?2. Have you learned to play any musical instrument?3. What kind of music is popular now in China?4. How does music affect people’s lives?5. What kind of music do young people like, and what kind of music do old people like?6. Do you want to be a singer?7. Has the music you like changed over the years?8. Do you think music help you study?9. Do your parents have a different musical taste with you?10. Who is your favorite singer or band?11. Do you prefer live music or recorded music?12. Have you even been to a concert before?13. Do you think music should be a required course for middle school students, why or why not?Dance1. Do you like to dance?2. What type of dance are you interested in?3. What are the differences between the dances the old people like and the dances the young people like?4. Is dancing good to people?5. Does China have any traditional dance?6. Is traditional dance still popular in China?Writing1. Do you often write things?2. Do you write every day?3. What do you usually write about?4. Do you like writing to people?5. How often do you send e-mails?6. What are your main reasons for using e-mails?7. Do you like to send e-mails?8. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer?9. Nowadays, how do most people write things?10. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?11. When do children begin to write in your country?12. How did you learn to write?13. Do you think handwriting is very important nowadays?14. How can children today improve or practice their handwriting?15. What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?Building1. What kinds of buildings are popular in China now?2. Compare old buildings and modern buildings. Which do people prefer to live in?3. How do people in China feel about old buildings?4. Do old people and young people in China have the same attitudes towards old buildings?5. Is it important to preserve old buildings, and why?6. What aspect of culture do old buildings reflect?7. Do you think it’s worth the money to preserve old buildings?8. How have buildings changed in the past few years?Friends and Family1. Do you have many close friends?2. What qualities make them good friends?3. Do you live with your family?4. Do your family and friends still live in your hometown?5. Do you think family members should live together, why or why not?6. When do you spend time with your family?7. What do you do together?8. Do you often go out with your friends?9. Is your family very important to you?10. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or your friends?11. What do you do in your free time with your friends?12. Are there any times when you prefer to be alone?Weather and Climate1. What type of weather do you like?2. What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?3. Which is your favorite season?4. Do you do different things in summer and in winter?5. What do you often do on sunny and rainy days?6. What is the weather like in your city?7. Do you have some ways to control the global warming?Plans and goals1. Please summarize your plans for the near future.2. When do you plan to start that?3. How do you intend to achieve that?4. When you go abroad, do you plan to live in the countryside or a big city, and why?5. Do you plan to spend many years overseas?6. After you go abroad, do you plan to join any clubs?Healthy Lifestyle1. What do you do to keep healthy?2. How can people maintain good health?3. What is a healthy lifestyle in your mind?4. Is there any sport that you would like to try in the future?Concentration1. Is it important to focus on one thing you should deal with?2. When do people need to focus on something?3. When do people become the most focused?4. Is it easy to be with concentration?5. Can people deal with two different things at the same time?Mobile Phones1. Do you use a cell phone?2. What do you use it for?3. How often do you use it?4. Do you like to send short message?5. When did you get your first mobile phone?6. How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?7. What feature or function of your cell phone do you like the best?8. Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?Weekends1. What do you do in your spare time?2. How do you spend time with your family?3. What do you usually do on weekends?4. What did you do last weekend?5. What do other people in your country usually do on weekends?6. What are you going to do next weekend?7. Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?8. Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child?Art1. Are you very interested in art?2. Did you create any art such as painting or sculpture when you were a child?3. Have you ever been to an art gallery or an art exhibition?4. How often do you visit art galleries?Time management1. How do you organize your time?2. Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way?3. Would you say you manage your time well?4. Where did you learn how to organize your time?5. How do you think you could better your time?6. Do you think it’s useful to plan your time?7. Have you ever been late for anything?8. If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time?