

矛盾在生活中经常会出现,处理不好就会产生摩擦,影响彼此之间的关系,那么如何在矛盾中说好话呢?1.Please try to understand my point of view.请理解我的观点。2.Wait, can I take that back?等一下,我能收回我说的话吗?3.You don’t have to solve this — it helps me just to talk to you.我不用帮我解决这个问题。和你聊一下就对我有帮助。4.This is important to me. Please listen.这对我很重要。请仔细听。5.I overreacted.我反应过激了。6.I see you’re in a tough position.我知道你的处境艰难。7.I can see my part in this.这个问题,我有错。8.I hadn’t thought of it that way before.我以前没有这样想。9.I could be wrong.我可能是错的。10.Let’s agree to disagree on that.让我们接受我们的不同观点。11.This isn’t just your problem; it’s our problem.这不只是你的问题。这是我们的问题。12.I’m feeling unappreciated.我感觉没有收到重视。13.We’re getting off the subject.14.I know I need to listen more.我知道,我应该多倾听。15.You’ve convinced me.16.Let’s take a break for a few minutes.让我们停一会。[If you can remember to do this, it’s extremely effective—especially if you’re having a big fight. After a break, it’s almost impossible to go back to yelling.]17.Please keep talking to me.18.I realize it's not your fault.我意识到这不是你的错。19.That came out all wrong.我表达错了。20.I see how I contributed to the problem.我明白我引起了这个问题。21.What are we really fighting about?22.How can I make things better?我怎样才能把事情变得更好呢?23.We can solve this if we work together.如果我们携手合作,我们就可以解决这个问题。24.I’m sorry.对不起。25.I love you.我爱你。