

千万不要以为经常迟到是自己占了便宜,说不定哪天就直接被老板开除了。老板:Come in, please!请进!约翰:You want to see me?您找我有事?老板:Yes, sit down please.是的.请坐.约翰:Thank you sir!谢谢您!老板:I want to talk with you.我想跟你谈谈.约翰:Well. I am glad to hear your guidance.我很乐意听从您的指导.老板:Are you late this morning?你今天早上是不是迟到了?约翰:Well, there is a traffic jam.是的.今天堵车.老板:Are you always late for work?你是不是经常迟到?约翰:Not very often, sir.不是很经常。老板:But the secretary showed me your attendance rate.但是秘书给我看了你的出勤率.约翰:I am terribly sorry, sir. I promise I will never be late again!我真的非常抱歉.我保证下不为例!老板:Ok.Another question, do you have a habit of sleeping during working time?很好.那么.再问你一个问题!你是不是有上班睡觉的习惯?约翰:Of course that isn`t a habit!那当然不是个习惯!老板:What was that?那是什么?约翰:Sorry, sometimes I will doze for a while.对不起.有时候上班会打打瞌睡.老板:See? Another fault!所以.这是第二个过失!约翰:I can promise on that too!我也可以保证不再睡觉了!老板:Sorry, I can`t trust you anymore!对不起.我不会再相信你了.约翰:What do you mean, sir?您这话什么意思?老板:I am sorry to inform you that you are fired!我遗憾地通知你:你被解雇了!约翰:I am so sorry, please give me another chance!我真的非常抱歉.请再给我个机会!老板:Still sorry here.我无能为力.