

网络综合 - 英语口语核心句型:He is so good at giving the boss a snow job.他多擅长花言巧语哄骗老板呀。snow job这个俚语在日常生活很常见,它的意思是:“以天花乱坠式的迷惑性言语来说服或欺骗他人”,强调欺骗者所编的谎言很有迷惑性。常用来推销商品、骗取钱财、讨好上司或赢取耳根软的女性芳心。因此,当美国人说'He is so good at giving the boss a snow job.'时,他/她要表达的意思就是:'He is really skilled in coaxing the boss.'、'He really excels at kissing up to the boss.'。情景对白:Terry: Wow, look, he is so good at giving the boss a snow job.泰瑞:哇,看呐,他多擅长花言巧语哄骗老板呀。Benjamin: Yeah. What can we say? The boss just knuckles under to that.本杰明:是啊,我们能说些什么呢?老板就吃他那一套。搭配句积累:①It seems that he is born a good liar.他似乎生来就是个谎话高手。②Actually, he is absolutely incompetent for that position.事实上,他根本不能胜任那个职位。③Yes, this is a good way to keep his bread and butter.是啊,这可是他保住饭碗的良方。④But his lies will be seen through some day.但是他的谎言总有一天会被拆穿。单词:1. coax vt. 哄骗The government coaxed them to give up their strike by promising them temporary residence permits.政府承诺给他们发放暂住证,诱哄他们放弃罢工。The WPC talked yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim.昨天,这名女警谈到自己在诱导年轻的受害人说出重要信息的过程中所起的作用。It took Louis until Easter to coax a grudging consent from the French King.路易斯连哄带骗,直到复活节才勉强得到法国国王的许可。2. knuckle vi. 屈服Tom did not knuckle down under the attacks.面对这些攻击,汤姆并没有屈服。He refused to knuckle under to the enemy.他拒绝向敌人投降。In spite of every argument he obstinately refused to knuckle under.尽管面对着一切论据,他顽固地拒不认输。