

在初次安装IC610时,往往会遇到各种各样的问题,好不容易安装成功了,但是又无法画电路图,总是出现下面的警告:*WARNING* (icLic-5) License recheck failed*WARNING* (icLic-3) Could not get license Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_L(deLicense-5) Could not get the license for Schematics. Open aborted.其实也知道license肯定是正确的,但是总是这样,最后终于解决了,现总结如下:希望能够帮助需要帮助的人。



cadence ic610




当IC610安装成功后,也能够把软件打开,但就是在建立一个cell时,出现了下面的现象:COPYRIGHT © 1992-2006  CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS INC.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.          © 1992-2006  UNIX SYSTEMS Laboratories INC.,                         Reproduced with permission.This Cadence Design Systems program and online documentation areproprietary/confidential information and may be disclosed/used onlyas authorized in a license agreement controlling such use and disclosure.          RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE (SHORT FORM)Use/reproduction/disclosure is subject to restrictionset forth at FAR 1252.227-19 or its equivalent.Program:        @(#)$CDS: virtuoso.exe version 6.1.0 10/10/2006 14:09 (cds126047) $Sub version:          sub-version IC6.1.0.243 (32-bit addresses)Loading geView.cxtLoading LVS.cxtLoading layerProc.cxtLoading xlUI.cxtLoading auCore.cxtLoading schView.cxtLoading selectSv.cxtLoading vhdl.cxtLoading seismic.cxtLoading ams.cxtddCreateLib: Creating a new cds.lib file at '/home/redhat3/cds.lib'.Created library '20150129' as '/home/redhat3/tmp/20150129'*WARNING* (icLic-3) Could not get license Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_L(deLicense-5) Could not get the license for Schematics. Open aborted.


该提示说明不能得到license for Schematics,但是以前安装过,license明明是正确的,问题会出在哪里呢?重启后,出现了下面的提示:license manager: can't initialize: Cannot find license file. The license files (or license server system network addresses) attempted arelisted below.  Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file, or contact your software provider for a license file.Filename:      /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.datLicense path:  /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.datFLEXnet Licensing error:-1,359.  System Error: 2 'No such file or directory'For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,available at 'www.macrovision.com'.17:40:43 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------17:40:43 (lmgrd)   Please Note:17:40:43 (lmgrd)17:40:43 (lmgrd)   This log is intended for debug purposes only.17:40:43 (lmgrd)   In order to capture accurate license17:40:43 (lmgrd)   usage data into an organized repository,17:40:43 (lmgrd)   please enable report logging. Use Macrovision's17:40:43 (lmgrd)   software license administration  solution,17:40:43 (lmgrd)   FLEXnet Manager, to  readily gain visibility17:40:43 (lmgrd)   into license usage data and to create17:40:43 (lmgrd)   insightful reports on critical information like17:40:43 (lmgrd)   license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager17:40:43 (lmgrd)   can be fully automated to run these reports on17:40:43 (lmgrd)   schedule and can be used to track license17:40:43 (lmgrd)   servers and usage across a heterogeneous17:40:43 (lmgrd)   network of servers including Windows NT, Linux17:40:43 (lmgrd)   and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at17:40:43 (lmgrd)   www.macrovision.com for more details on how to17:40:43 (lmgrd)   obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager17:40:43 (lmgrd)   for your enterprise.17:40:43 (lmgrd)17:40:43 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------17:40:43 (lmgrd)17:40:43 (lmgrd)17:40:43 (lmgrd) Using license file '/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat'bash: ense.dat: command not found[redhat3@localhost redhat3]$ source .bashrc[redhat3@localhost redhat3]$ lmlilicense manager: can't initialize: Cannot find license file. The license files (or license server system network addresses) attempted arelisted below.  Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file, or contact your software provider for a license file.Filename:      /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.datLicense path:  /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.datFLEXnet Licensing error:-1,359.  System Error: 2 'No such file or directory'For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,available at 'www.macrovision.com'.17:41:46 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------17:41:46 (lmgrd)   Please Note:17:41:46 (lmgrd)17:41:46 (lmgrd)   This log is intended for debug purposes only.17:41:46 (lmgrd)   In order to capture accurate license17:41:46 (lmgrd)   usage data into an organized repository,17:41:46 (lmgrd)   please enable report logging. Use Macrovision's17:41:46 (lmgrd)   software license administration  solution,17:41:46 (lmgrd)   FLEXnet Manager, to  readily gain visibility17:41:46 (lmgrd)   into license usage data and to create17:41:46 (lmgrd)   insightful reports on critical information like17:41:46 (lmgrd)   license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager17:41:46 (lmgrd)   can be fully automated to run these reports on17:41:46 (lmgrd)   schedule and can be used to track license17:41:46 (lmgrd)   servers and usage across a heterogeneous17:41:46 (lmgrd)   network of servers including Windows NT, Linux17:41:46 (lmgrd)   and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at17:41:46 (lmgrd)   www.macrovision.com for more details on how to17:41:46 (lmgrd)   obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager17:41:46 (lmgrd)   for your enterprise.17:41:46 (lmgrd)17:41:46 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------17:41:46 (lmgrd)17:41:46 (lmgrd)17:41:46 (lmgrd) Using license file '/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat'bash: ense.dat: command not found


此时知道bash: ense.dat: command not found,又开始仔细检查licesne


从上图可以看到,license问题出现在这里alias lmli='/home/eda/ic610/tools/bin/lmgrd -c /home/eda/ic610/share/license/license.dat'






