

点击进入我的微博:我的轻博客:周末去游泳了。这回是三个人都去了。不过我和好男儿Vincent可是有任务的啊,要教Cutelady游泳。她可是一点基础也没有的啊!还好周末太阳没那么晒,到了那里,还是和往常一样,游泳池里就我们三个人加上一个救生员。酒店里游泳可真是空,看来很多人是怕太阳,都选择室内了。一上来自然是我和Vincent的表演赛,汇报我们近期的游泳成果。不过,人家毕竟也是游泳队里练过,几次交手,我都输给了好男儿,不过输的开心哈哈!接下来,我们就开始教Cutelady!这阵势!我解说,Vincent示范,先是最基础的,叫“死人漂”!然后是重点,蛙泳腿的练习。在我们的悉心调教下,Cutelady进步神速,很快可以在水里蹬腿了。昨天又练了一个上午,蹬腿动作基本学会。连Vincent也表扬Cutelady,不仅说她进步快,还说她比我那时的表现要好!好吧!我认了哈哈!等Cutelady学会了,那就三个人比赛吧!而且Cuteday的表弟和表弟媳也在学习游泳,那么以后就大家一起比赛啊哈哈!周末还是要做更多的好吃的。今天这款饼自然是让很多人既爱又恨。爱的是因为这种酥油饼真是太好吃了,好吃到让你不停手,但恨的是这种酥油饼啊,月饼啊,饼干,很多蛋糕和面包之类的甜食都必须放大量的植物油,猪油或者黄油,热量高啊,很多爱美女士都不敢吃,特别是那些减肥中的人。但其实,越控制到后面越不可收拾,很多人坚持了几天后又重新把以前不敢吃的美食都吃回来了。所以生活中,还是要坚持合理饮食,适当运动。这种高热量的甜食其实适当吃点还是可以的,只要不多吃,不贪吃,是没有问题的。先来做饼皮(也叫水油面):原料:普通面粉200克 食用油30克 白糖30克 椒盐5克温水100克 做法:1.面粉中央用手弄出一个小空间;2.放入食用油;3.放三分之一的水;4.放入白糖;5.放入椒盐;6.边揉面边加水,直到把面粉揉成光滑的柔软的面团,醒15分钟;油酥(也叫油面)的制作:原料:低筋面粉160克  食用油70克 做法:7.把油慢慢放入面粉;8.揉成一个团就可以了;油酥饼的制作过程:9.把先前醒好的面团分成小剂子;10.把油酥也分成等量的小块;11.把油酥包在面皮里;12.收口;13.把收口朝下;14.用擀面杖擀开;15.向右折叠三分之一左右;16.向左折叠三分之一左右;17.再对折;18.收口朝下用擀面杖再擀开重复三次上述15,16,17的步骤;19.再整成圆形后摁扁,涂上蛋液,撒上芝麻;20.用同样的办法处理剩余的小剂子和油酥,放入预热好的烤箱,190度,25分钟左右;            香喷喷的油酥饼就烤好了!                    烤出来的时候很烫手的,稍微放凉了后吃啊,而且那样也更加松脆!这不也是给我家的好男儿解解馋啊,那天周六下午吃好后,还说明天要当早饭让我们不要吃完!哈哈,好吧,给你留着!学英语:科学家:人一旦长胖就很难瘦下来 It is whatfailed dieters have long suspected: Fat people really can't keepthe weight off.据《每日邮报》25日报道,正如减肥失败者猜测的那样,人们一旦变胖,再瘦下来的可能性就非常小。Scientists have confirmed that the majority of overweight peoplewho try to lose weight either by cutting calories or exercisingwill return to their former size.科学家们已经确认,无论是减少热量吸收,还是进行体育运动,肥胖者终归无法变瘦。Fewer than 10 percent of the 12 million Britons who go on a dieteach year succeed in losing significant amounts of weight and mostof those who do put it all back on again within a year.在英国1200万的节食减肥者中,每年只有不到10%的人可以减肥成功,而其他大部分人又都在一年之内变胖了。 Theyfollowed 5,362 men and women from their birth in 1946 and 20,000from birth in 1958, measuring their weight and blood pressure andassessing their lifestyles.科学家对出生于1946年后的5362人和出生于1958年后的2万人进行了跟踪调查,并对他们的体重、血压、生活方式进行测评。The researchers found both groups began gaining weight in the 1980sand have steadily increased in size ever since.研究者们发现从上世纪80年代开始,这两组人的体重都有增加,而且从那以后,他们就一直在变胖。Dr Rebecca Hardy, the council’s program leader on body size,said:'Once people become overweight, they continue relentlesslyupwards. They hardly ever go back down. It is better to avoidgetting fat in the first place. For men,weight goes up steadilythrough life. For women it starts slowly and accelerates in themid-thirties.'人体体形委员会的项目负责人丽贝卡?哈迪博士说:“人一旦开始肥胖,他们的体重就会一直增加,几乎不可能再变瘦。所以,最好在开始的时候就尽量避免变胖。男性的体重一般会稳步增加,而女性在刚开始时,体重增长速度较为缓慢,而35岁左右就开始加速增长。”Experts have suggested evolution means we are programmed to put onweight rather than lose it. Dieting can make this tendency worse asdecreasing calorie intake triggers the body to go into starvationmode and reduce the amount of energy it naturally expends, makingit even harder to lose weight.专家们认为“进化”意味着人们的体重会循序渐进的增加而不是减少。节食可能使这种趋势变得更糟,因为减少热量摄入会使人的身体处于饥饿状态,也使人正常需要消耗的能量减少了,进而使减肥变得更困难。”But the study’s findings do not mean dieting is pointless, aseating less and taking more exercise can increase fitness and lowerblood pressure.但这项研究并不意味着节食就完全没有意义,节食及进行身体锻炼可以使人更健康,并且还能降低血压。someone to love ---shayne wardFinally she came along,Broke the spell and set me freePushed aside what used to beOh the broken heart it meant it once was meI never gave it up, I always believeWhen she's in my arms I know what I achievedSo hear me loneliness, I'm giving up on youI don't need you anymore.I found what I've been looking forSo hear me emptiness, I got no room for youI finally found what I've been dreaming ofSomeone to loveCause I was lost, I was down and outUntil that day, I knew what my life was all aboutStill wonder how, she came my wayShe's the reason, I'm smiling here todaySo hear me loneliness, I'm giving up on youI don't need you anymore.I found what I've been looking forSo hear me emptiness, I got no room for youI finally found what I've been dreaming ofSomeone to love, to holdTo be my inspiration, someone to touch to cherishFor lifeSo hear me loneliness, I'm giving up on youI don't need you anymore.I found what I've been looking forSo hear me emptiness, I got no room for youI finally found what I've been dreaming ofSomeone to love, someone to love (Oh Baby)So hear me emptiness, I got no room for youI've finally found what I've been dreaming ofNo I've finally found what I've been dreaming ofSomeone to love Hehhh Someone to love..