

无花果富含食物纤维,其中的果胶和半纤维素吸水膨胀后能吸附多种化学物质,使肠道内各种有害物质被吸附排出,净化肠道,促进有益菌类在肠道的繁殖,能起到抑制血糖上升,维持正常胆固醇含量,排除致癌物质的作用。近年来,国内外科学家对无花果进行了深入研究和分析,发现经常食用无花果的人群,其癌症发病率很低。据各国科学家认真考证,认为无花果中含有多种活性成分,具有防治癌症的作用,而且即使用量较大也不会有副作用。对比其他水果,无花果可称得上水果中的“抗癌明星”。 中医认为,无花果性平,味甘,入肺、脾、大肠经,有健脾清肠、消肿解毒、利咽抗癌的作用,主治消化不良、肠炎、痢疾、便秘、痔疮、喉痛、痈疮疥癣。无花果味道甘美,鲜干皆宜,食药两用。夏季时可用于治疗食欲不振、消化不良、肠炎和痔疮反复发作,乃至咽炎、风湿筋骨疼痛等;入秋时用它煲猪肺、瘦肉等可以理气祛痰,食疗价值和保健作用非常突出。英文翻译:Figs are rich in dietary fiber, wherein the pectin and hemicellulose after the water swelling can absorb a variety of chemical substances, so that intestinal various harmful substances are adsorbed discharge, cleanse the intestinal tract, promote the beneficial bacteria in the intestines class reproduction, can reduce blood sugar rise, maintain normal cholesterol content, eliminate carcinogens function.In recent years, domestic and foreign scientists have conducted in-depth research and analysis of the fig, found that regular consumption of fig populations, the cancer incidence rate is very low. According to the scientists carefully verified, that contains a variety of active ingredients of figs, has the role of prevention and treatment of cancer, and that the use of large amount will not have side effects. Compared to other fruits, figs can be regarded as the fruit of the 'anti-cancer star'.Traditional Chinese medicine thinks, the fig Ping, sweet, into the lung, spleen, large intestine, spleen, swelling detoxification Qingchang, Liyan anticancer effects, indications of indigestion, enteritis, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, throat sore, carbuncle sore scabies.Figs taste sweet, fresh and dry safe, used as both food and medicine. Summer can be used for the treatment of anorexia, indigestion, enteritis and hemorrhoid repeated attacks, and pharyngitis, rheumatism muscles pain; autumn when use it to burn lung, lean lean can Qi and phlegm, therapeutic value and health care function very prominent.

无花果200克,金针菜100克,猪蹄2只。先将猪蹄切成小块,加生姜、胡椒、大蒜和适量清水,与无花果一同煮炖至烂熟时,再放金针菜煮30分钟,加食盐、味精、葱花调味食用。此方有清热解毒、通经下乳之功效,用于肝郁气滞、虚火上窜导致的乳汁不下、食欲不佳、气血虚亏、神经衰弱等症。英文翻译:Fig 200 grams, Lily 100 grams, 2 pig's trotters. The first pig's trotters cut into small pieces, add the ginger, pepper, garlic and the amount of water, boil together with figs dunzhi overripe, put Lily boil for 30 minutes, add salt, MSG, diced green onion seasoning food. The party has the effect of heat clearing and detoxifying, clearing milk, for liver qi stagnation, deficiency fire Shangcuan leads to less than milk, poor appetite, Qi and blood deficiency, neurasthenia.


无花果5~7枚,青果10克,一同水煎,加适量蜂蜜,代茶饮服,一日数次。此茶具有清热利咽、消肿止痛之功效,适用于肺热声嘶、咽喉刺痛、肠燥便秘等症。英文翻译:Fig 5 ~ 7, fruit 10 grams, water to cook together, add appropriate amount of honey, on behalf of the tea service, several times a day. This tea has the efficacy of clearing heat and relieving sore throat, relieving swelling and pain, suitable for lung heat hoarseness, sore throats, constipation and other symptoms.
