

老公英文怎么写? 正宗的是husband 。 但是生活中称呼对方就经常用honey 。 就是我们中文的亲爱的,还有sweet 、below 、darling 等等。 老公用英语学husband 释义 动词,节约的使用或管理。n.丈夫 人名。 短语,Your husband 你的丈夫,你的老公 。 former husband 前夫,再婚妇女死去的,或离了婚的丈夫。 husband hunters 抢新郎。 Merciful husband 仁慈的丈夫。 unfortunate husband 无语问苍天。 courier husband 快递丈夫。 例句1,The property has been deeded to her by her husband. 这笔财产已由她丈夫立契约转让给她。 2,My husband could not be here tonight but I want to thank you on his behalf. 我丈夫今晚因故不能前来,我谨代表他向你致谢。 3,She raged against her husband for some household affairs. 她为一些家庭琐事对丈夫大发雷霆。 4,This man must be her husband. 这人准是她丈夫。 5,Her husband often rated at her, but he loved her none the less. 她的丈夫经常骂她,但他仍然爱她。 总结 以上就是劳动英文的词语句。