

【网络综合 - 英语口语】关于英语资源的文章,供大家学习参考!Zina: So will you back me up if things get ugly with Elvin?吉娜: 要是我跟艾文闹翻了,你会支持我吗?Dave: I will if you tell me how you're so sure that we're going to come out on top.戴夫: 我会支持你,只要你说出你怎么如此肯定我们会独占鳌头。Zina: We just will. 1) Trust me on that.吉娜: 我们就是会。信我就是了。Dave: After what you did, I don't know how hard Elvin's going to work to 2) meet your deadline.戴夫: 在你做了那件事后,我不知道艾文工作会有多打拼,好赶上你的期限。Zina: He'll do it. He's too proud not to.吉娜: 他会的。他拉不下这张老脸。Dave: You've got everyone 3) figured out, don't you?戴夫: 你对每个人都了若指掌,是吧?Zina: Yes, I do. Everyone.吉娜: 对,我是。每个人。