


句子的归纳   A) Microwave ovens have eliminated many of the inconveniences previously associated with the preparation of meals.   B) Many foods can go directly from the freezer to the microwave oven without being defrosted.   C) Many microwave ovens can be pre-set to cook food while you are away from the kitchen.   D) The microwave oven has greatly reduced the amount of time it takes to cook a meal.   题中四句话都提到微波炉的好处,其中B、C、D 分别从方便、解冻、定时三个不同的方面具体讲述微波炉不同于传统炊具的优势,而A则从整体上覆盖了上述三句的内容,故A是对B、C、D的概括,上述分析、寻找最具概括意义之选项的过程即为归纳过程。推而广之,我们可用之于段落和短文主题的归纳。


句子的归纳   A) Microwave ovens have eliminated many of the inconveniences previously associated with the preparation of meals.   B) Many foods can go directly from the freezer to the microwave oven without being defrosted.   C) Many microwave ovens can be pre-set to cook food while you are away from the kitchen.   D) The microwave oven has greatly reduced the amount of time it takes to cook a meal.   题中四句话都提到微波炉的好处,其中B、C、D 分别从方便、解冻、定时三个不同的方面具体讲述微波炉不同于传统炊具的优势,而A则从整体上覆盖了上述三句的内容,故A是对B、C、D的概括,上述分析、寻找最具概括意义之选项的过程即为归纳过程。推而广之,我们可用之于段落和短文主题的归纳。


短文主题的归纳   ①Proponents of father-attended childbirth assert that the father’s experience encourages him to develop a closer bond with his child…   ②As a father of three teenagers from a previous marriage, one man compared his past experience as a new father to being in the delivery room during the birth of his newborn daughter…   ③ Women report that they are much less anxious and more aware of what is going on when their husbands are with them when they give birth…   A) The Father-Daughter Relationship   B) Baby’s First View of Life   C) Dad in the Delivery Room   文章共三段,分别给出了各段的主题句。第一段谈赞成女子分娩时丈夫陪在其身边的观点并认为这一经历有利于将来父子关系的发展;第二段从男子的角度谈妻子分娩时陪在其身边的感受;第三段则从女子自身的角度提到分娩时有丈夫在身边会感到踏实、放心。通过对三段主题句的综合概括,全文共同讨论的是:女子分娩时要不要未来的父亲候在产房,因此答案为C。


