

Vincent每天的早饭离不开我做的面包,所以一到周末他总会问,爸爸,你今天准备做什么面包。好男儿其实要求不怎么高,面包口味是甜的就可以,要是不放糖,那他可不干,而我家Cutelady的嘴巴根全中国人民的嘴巴一模一样,那就是要好吃就可以。哈哈,大家知道其实我们中国人的嘴巴最难伺候,吃了自家的美食,跑到国外去,原本听人家讲的神乎其神的美食简直难以下咽。在中国你做再怎么养生的菜,要好吃是第一位的。而国外就不一样,人家可不是一应要说色香味具全。特别是德国人,除了德国香肠,德国的美食就是面包了,而最畅销的一款面包就是黑麦面包,有的人抱怨国内买不到,哈哈,其实,压根你就吃不下,估计吃过德国黑麦面包的10个人里有9个说是不好吃的,有人说一口也吃不下去,就像馊掉了的东西。我们中国人到了国外,总想买点好吃的带回来,特别是闻名于世的德国黑麦面包,可是拿回家,一个都不要碰,什么呀,这叫,简直难以下咽啊,还这么贵!呵呵,这就是饮食文化的区别,我们不能怪别人不识货。那么怎样做到好吃又有营养,那么今天还是看Tony给你整出一款裸麦杂粮面包吧。我可不会按照德国人那一套给你整,我还是会想方设法给你整的好吃点的。  先说说这款裸麦面包。我上网查了资料,发现这个裸麦面包还真是人家的国宝。  我们知道德国的面包业排行世界第一,其中最出名也是令德国人最引以为豪的就是用粗面粉烤制的黑面包。绝不会有哪个德国人不喜欢黑面包。德国人对黑面包的喜爱程度是无法形容的。以前德国邮政系统每年甚至要向海外运送上百万个装满黑面包的邮包,以便让那些早餐只能吃上法国长条面包的德国人也能一享饕餮。如今美国人也开始逐渐喜欢吃黑面包,市场上2磅黑面包的价格将近10美元。在最受德国人欢迎的面包种类排行榜中,粗面粉烤制的面包(Vollkornbrot)以年销量17万吨排名第三。排在第一位的是“Pumpernickel”(一种用裸麦烤制的粗面粉面包)和“Roggenkloetze”(一种用黑麦粉烤制的面包)。  但是并不是每个人从一开始就喜欢吃黑面包。拿破仑当初就很讨厌吃不容易消化的威斯特法伦(Westfaelisch)地区生产的黑面包。他认为这种黑面包给他的马吃最合适。由于拿破仑的马叫Nickel,这种黑面包后来被称作“Pumpernickel”,如今成为最受欢迎的一种黑面包。圣经中记载,西方在公元前1400至1200年间开始使用发酵后的面团烤制面包。此后很多年不搀任何麦粒谷粒的白面包一直是餐桌上的主食。一直到20世纪初期,健康运动的倡导者们发现黑面包是抵制“破坏文明社会”的灵丹妙药。30年代,民族社会主义者广泛宣传健康饮食是每个顺从的国家公民的义务。黑面包被指定成为一个坚强民族的最合理主食。到如今,黑面包身上附加的政治色彩已经完全消失了。黑面包终于单纯成为健康食品的代表。  做完以后,虽然没有高筋面粉做出的面包那种细腻和韧劲,但由于我加了各种好吃的料和适当多一点的糖,口味大为改观,我家的Vincent早上吃的可欢了,涂点奶酪或者果酱,连说好吃。这回我家Cutelady也吃了几块,说还可以,哈哈,这个评价已经非常不错了啊。学习英语:A father sat at his desk poring over his monthly bills when hisyoung son rushed in and announced,“Dad, because this is your birthday and you’re 55 years old,I’m going to give you 55 kisses, one for each year!” When the boystarted making good on his word, the father exclaimed, “Oh, Andrew,don’t do it now; I’m too busy!”The youngster immediately fell silent as tears welled up in hisbig blue eyes. Apologically the father said, “You can finishlater.”The boy said nothing but quietly walked away, disappointmentwritten over his face. That evening the father said, “Come andfinish the kisses now, Andrew!” But the boy didn’trespond.Unfortunately, a few days later after this incident, the boyhad an accident and was drowned. His heartbroken fatherwrote...“If only I could tell him how much I regret my thoughtlesswords, and could be assured that he knows how much my heart isaching.”…Love is a two-way street. Any loving act must be warmlyaccepted or it will be taken as rejection and can leave a scar. Ifwe are too busy to give and receive love, we are too busy! Nothingis more important than responding with love to the cry for lovefrom those who are near and precious to us. Because... there may beno chance at all as in the case of the little boy...父亲坐在办公桌旁,正盯着那些堆积了一个月来的账单,这时,他的小儿子冲了过来,大声宣布:“爸爸,因为今天是你五十五岁的生日,我想给你五十五个吻,一年一个!”当男孩正要兑现诺言时,他爸爸大声说道:“哦,安德鲁,现在不行,我太忙了!”小男孩马上不吭声了,蓝色的大眼睛里涌满了泪水。父亲深表歉意地说:“过会有空再亲吧。”男孩什么也没说,只是静静地走开了,失望的表情溢于言表。那天晚上,父亲说:“来吧安德鲁,现在可以亲了!”但是,孩子却没有做出回应。不幸的是,这件事刚过去几天之后,小男孩就不幸溺水身亡。伤心欲绝的爸爸写道:“如果我早告诉他,对于那些无心的话我是多么后悔,他一定会明白我的心有多么痛。”爱,是一条双行道。对于爱的表示一定要热心地接受,否则对方会以为你拒绝了,从而留下一道伤痕。如果我们忙得连给予和接受爱的时间都没有,那未免也忙得太过分了!对于那些在我们身边,对我们弥足珍贵的人,用爱去回应他们爱的渴望,这最重要不过了!因为……如果发生像小男孩这样的情况,即使后悔也没有机会了。================================================用德国人最喜欢的黑麦面粉打造一款粗粮面包---从此让你喜欢吃粗粮面包原料(2个土司):全麦面粉300克 黑麦粉200克 原味燕麦80克 杂粮40克(玉米片,黑米片,燕麦片,高粱片,荞麦片等) 水150克 牛奶100克 鸡蛋4个 橄榄油40克 葡萄干60克 核桃40克 荔枝肉40克 小麦胚芽10克 红糖50克 盐4克 发酵粉6克做法:1.先准备好原味燕麦80克。2.准备好200克黑麦。3.放入150克水浸泡燕麦30分钟。4.放入杂粮片搅拌均匀。5.加入小麦胚芽。6.准备好60克葡萄干,先用温水浸泡1个小时。7.准备好核桃和荔枝干。8.在面包机中加入面粉,鸡蛋,红糖,盐和发酵粉。9.加入牛奶。10.加入橄榄油。11.加入其他所有的东西,搅拌40分钟。12.搅拌结束后开始第一次发酵到2倍大。13.第一次发酵结束后,开始排气整形,具体做法参考这里。14.把整好型的面团放入土司盒。15.发到整个土司盒的四分之三左右。16.上面再撒上杂粮片。开始烤制,温度220度,只开启烤箱下层。本来可以发的再高一点,可能是我一次发酵过了头,二次发酵就力道不足了。不过黑麦也决定了土司不能发的很高大。拿在手里真的感觉到了这款面包很厚重的感觉,很沉啊,含水量稍微高了点,加上放了很多料,不沉才怪呢,哈哈!真的很有嚼劲,由于我私自多放了点糖,加上放了好多好吃的料,相信很多人还是非常吃的惯的,这款面包是上上个礼拜六做的,在上个礼拜早就被我们消灭殆尽了啊。我家好男儿说要我下次还做这款面包,哈哈,可惜上个周末没有心思做面包,因为没有灵感啊哈哈,还在钻研中,我也希望有更多的面包从Tony小屋走出去奉献给大家啊哈哈!       这是一个留言的网友推荐的。Superwoman-由GladysKnight&DionneWarwick&PattiLabelle三大灵魂歌后翻唱的,很激情、超震撼!Early in the morningI put breakfast at your tableAnd make sure that your coffeeHas its sugar and creamYour eggs are over easyYour toast done lightlyAll that's missing is your morning kissThat used to greet meNow you say the juice is sourIt used to be so sweetAnd I can't help but to wonderIf you're talking 'bout meWe don't talk the way we used to talkIt's hurtin' so deepI've got my pride, I will not cryBut it's makin' me weakI'm not your superwomanI'm not the kind of girl that you can let downAnd think that everything's okayBoy, I am only humanThis girl needs more than occasionalHugs as a token of love from you to me, ooh, babyI fought my way through the rush hourTrying to make it home just for youI want to make sure that your dinnerWill be waiting for youBut when you get there you just tell meYou're not hungry at allYou said you'd rather read the paperAnd you don't want to talkYou like to think that I'm just crazyWhen I say that you changedI'm convinced I know the problemYou don't love me the sameYou're just going through the motionsAnd you're not being fairI've got my pride, I will not cryStill I can't help but careI'm not your superwoman (Oh, no, no)I'm not the kind of girl that you can let downAnd think that everything's okayBoy, I am only human (I'm only human)This girl needs more than occasionalHugs as a token of love from you to meI'm not your superwoman (Hoo, hoo, hoo, ooh, ooh, hoo)I'm not the kind of girl that you can let down (Hey)And think that everything's okay (Don't let me down, don't you letme down)Boy, I am only human (I'm only human, yeah)This girl needs more than occasionalHugs as a token (Ooh, ooh) of love from you to meOh, baby, look into the corners of your mindI'll always be there for you through good and bad timesBut I can't be that superwoman that you want me to beI'll give my everlasting love if you'll return love to meI'm not your superwoman (Oh, no, oh, no)I'm not the kind of girl that you can let downAnd think that everything's okayBoy, I am only human (I'm only human)This girl needs more than occasionalHugs as a token of love from you to me (Oh, no)If you feel it in your heartAnd you understand meStop right where you areEverybody sing along with meHoo, hoo, hoo, ooh, ooh, hooHoo, hoo, hoo, ooh, ooh, hooI'm the kind of girl that can treat you so sweetBut you got to realize that you got to be sweeter to me, oh, ho,hoHoo, hoo, hoo, ooh, ooh, hooHoo, hoo, hoo, ooh, ooh, hooI need loveI need just your loveI'm not your superwoman (Oh, no)I'm not the kind of girl that you can let down (You can letdown)And think that everything's okayBoy, I am only human (I'm only human)This girl needs more than occasional (Hey, hey, hey, hey)Hugs as a token of love from you to me